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He had snatched the sword from the sergeant's hands, hurled him to the ground, and would have strangled him had not a gendarme thrown himself on him from behind. With his prodigious strength he held his own against the first three assailants; but, with the help of the other two, they succeeded in overcoming him.

The wearied troops snatched what refreshment and repose they could amid the confusion and discomfort and danger by which they were surrounded. At intervals during the night the American fort kept up a teasing fire, more for the purpose of causing annoyance and preventing rest than with the object of doing any serious damage.

The black, windy sky reminded the disciples of all the fears that filled them: fear of their own future and distrust of one another. "Where can we stay for the night. Master?" asked Andrew, raising his voice above a gust that snatched the words from his lips. Jesus glanced at the sky. "Perhaps we can find an inn at Tiberias." The wind was hot and laden with dust.

The storekeeper ran fast, inspired by fear and the desire to save his ill-gotten gains, but the Sergeant ran faster, and presently brought him back, panting and trembling, to witness the demolition of his property. The shanty was being torn down, each plank as it came off being snatched up by the soldiers to carry off and add to their own habitations.

He pointed to the dressing-table. Byng snatched them, tore them open, read them. One had the single word, "Tomorrow." The other said, "Prepare." The code had been abandoned. Tragedy needs few words. They meant that to-morrow Kruger's ultimatum would be delivered and that the worst must be faced.

"Very neat," growled Heywood, who in the same instant, with a great shove, managed to fling down the ladder. "Perfectly silly attack. We'll hold 'em." While he spoke, however, something hurtled over their heads and thumped the platform. The queer log, or cylinder, lay there with a red coal sputtering at one end, a burning fuse. Heywood snatched at it and missed.

Be sure that for no ill purpose have we been snatched out of the hand of Abi, and brought living and unharmed by the shades of Pharaoh your sire, and Mermes my husband, to this secret shore. See, yonder burns a fire, let us go to it, and await what may befall bravely, knowing that at least it can be naught but good."

"'If I only thought I was not hated, said I, tremblingly. "'Oh! said she, again. "'Despised. "'Oh! "'Loathed. "She pressed my hand, I kissed hers; she hurriedly snatched it from me, and pointed towards a lime-tree near, beneath which, in the cool enjoyment of his cigar, sat the spare and detested figure of Don Emanuel.

"My child! my child!" said his mother. "Oh, save my child!" She snatched him up, and pressed his begreased garments close to the bosom of her best silk gown. Neither father nor mother wanted any more dinner after this. As to Limby, he was as frisky afterwards as if nothing had happened, and about half an hour from the time of this disaster cried for his dinner. By JANE TAYLOR

Joanna snatched his hand and before he knew what she would be at, pressed it to her lips. "Mrs. Willems! Don't. What are you . . ." cried the abashed Almayer, tearing his hand away. "Oh, you are good!" she cried, with sudden exaltation, "You are noble . . . I shall pray every day . . . to all the saints . . . I shall . . ."