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Smit said, "I want to see Botha and President Kruger. Dr. Scholtz is also with us. We are sent by Lord Roberts." I answered Mr. Smit that traitors were not admitted on our premises, and that he would have to stay where he was. Turning to some burghers who were standing near I gave instructions that the fellows were to be detained. Mr.

At the same time he whirled the stirrup once round his head, and, bringing the iron down with tremendous force on the skull of his pursuer, hurled him to the ground. "Stephen Orpin!" exclaimed Conrad Marais in amazement, as the trader galloped up. "You've got more pluck than I gave you credit for," growled Jan Smit.

"She is a child a mere baby, and so pretty! She has opened her eyes and spoken." "Give her some soup and wine hot," said the professor, without stirring. "But won't you come?" she asked. The professor hesitated; he hated attending in cases of illness, though he was a properly qualified doctor and in an emergency would lay his prejudice aside. "Or shall I run across for the good Dr. Smit?"

He did not wince, but drew himself quickly up like a man about to retaliate. Jan Smit observing and resenting the action, at once knocked him down. Ruyter slowly rose and staggered away just as Considine came up. The youth could not resist the inclination to exclaim "Shame!" "Who dares " cried Jan Smit, turning fiercely round. He paused in mute surprise at sight of his former companion.

"It was just after that time," rejoined Bertha, "when Jan Smit had had him tied to a cart-wheel, and flogged so terribly that he could not walk for some days.

All of us had an ample share of the treasure and used it wisely or foolishly, according to our natures. Captain Smollett is now retired from the sea. Gray not only saved his money, but being suddenly smit with the desire to rise, also studied his profession, and he is now mate and part owner of a fine full-rigged ship, married besides, and the father of a family.

"And sovereign Law, the state's collected will, O'er thrones and globes elate, Sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill: Smit by her sacred frown, The fiend, Discretion, like a vapor, sinks, And e'en the all-dazzling crown Hides his faint rays, and at her bidding shrinks." But this vision is past. While the teachers of Laybach give the rule, there will be no law but the law of the strongest.

Poor Teufelsdrockh! it is clear to demonstration thou art smit: the Queen of Hearts would see a "man of genius" also sigh for her; and there, by art-magic, in that preternatural hour, has she bound and spell-bound thee. "Love is not altogether a Delirium," says he elsewhere; "yet has it many points in common therewith.

While the driver halted at Dartford to water his horses, she was smit with the appearance of some cheesecakes, which were presented by the landlady of the house, and having bargained for two or three, put her hand in her pocket, in order to pay for her purchase; but what was her astonishment, when, after having rummaged her equipage, she understood her whole fortune was lost!

All of us had an ample share of the treasure, and used it wisely or foolishly, according to our natures. Captain Smollett is now retired from the sea. Gray not only saved his money, but, being suddenly smit with the desire to rise, also studied his profession; and he is now mate and part owner of a fine full-rigged ship; married besides, and the father of a family.