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And then, as nothing stirred, he went up to the window and pushed it wider open with his hand, and the close warm air of the kitchen, full of the smell of hot soup, meat and cabbage, escaped into the cold outer air, and with a bound the carpenter was in the house.

It follows that, if there were no percipient being to receive these sensations, there would be no heat or cold, no taste, no smell, no sound, and no colour.

As the sun broke out, the scent of pines came strong upon the land breeze. A strange land, but the thrush thought it was his own. "'I smell woods, he chirped faintly; 'I see the sun. This is home!

The darkness, and the heat, and the close smell, and the noise, as we went rushing along, made me feel sick and frightened. I did not dare to lie down, but sat up trembling and wishing that we might soon come to Riverdale Station. But we did not get there for some time, and I was to have a great fright. I was thinking of all the stories that I knew of animals traveling.

There was a suggestive smell of mint-drops about it still, a corner of it had evidently been chewed, and on the margin, in choice Latin, these words were written in a delicate female hand: "Meet me on the Tarpeian Rock tomorrow evening, dear, at sharp seven. Mother will be absent on a visit to her friends in the Sabine Hills.

In fact, carburetted hydrogen is not completely scentless, and the engineer, whose sense of smell was very keen, was astonished that it had not revealed the presence of the explosive gas. At any rate, if the gas had mingled at all with the surrounding air, it could only be in a very small stream.

She brought them on purpose to smell it, but at the first whiff their every hair stood on end, they trembled, they knew not why it seemed to tingle through their blood and fill them with instinctive hate and fear. And when she saw its full effect she told them "That is man-scent." Meanwhile the hens continued to disappear. I had not betrayed the den of cubs.

Burying in dirt is the onliest thing that'll take off the smell. We comed to ask you to watch Shoofly while he's buried, cause Mis' Poteet will be mad at him when she comes home if Shoofly smells. We're all a-going to stay right by him until he's dug up, 'cause we all sicked him on that polecat and we ought in honor!"

We left them sitting on the bow or rather perched there in positions none too secure in case of a sudden lurch of the ship. "I smell land," had been Ben's sudden exclamation after one of the prolonged silences which, as has been said, possessed them that night. The boys laughed. "Laugh away," declared Ben, "but I do. Any old sailor can tell it."

They ain't got twelve hours' start an' by God I'll smell 'em out in the dark for this!" It was like a knife-thrust in the back; such a devilish and unexpected turn of affairs that for half a second I had the same shuddery feeling that came to me the night I stooped over Hans Rutter and gasped at sight of what the fiends had done.