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She was a Polish woman, by-the-way, and that has left a tenderness, nay, a raw place, in my heart, which smarts at the sound of a Polish word. For I was the man." "Well," asked Cartoner, "what do you want to know?" "Nothing," answered the other, quick as thought. "I only tell you the story as a warning. To you especially, who take so much for said that has not been said. You are strong, and a man.

It is a comfort to the inexperienced, when one man of the world smarts from the sagacity of another; we resign ourselves more willingly to our fate. Our travellers resumed their journey, and in a few minutes, from the cause we have before assigned, the Corporal became thoroughly out of humour.

"He then told me which houses these ladies frequented, and left me, saying with a knowing air: "'Take care, if you intend to try the power of your seductions upon the little Baroness; whoever meddles with her smarts for it! "This information from a viper like Casorans satisfied me in every way. Evidently the place was not taken; impregnable, that was another thing.

You've only got to go upon the ice, and cut a hole and stick your tail down into it; and so you must go on holding it there as long as you can. You're not to mind if your tail smarts a little; that's when the fish bite. The longer you hold it there the more fish you'll get; and then all at once out with it, with a cross pull sideways, and with a strong pull too.

"My head aches a bit, and that place smarts, but it will soon be better." "To be sure it will," he said, nodding pleasantly. "Well, is he coming?" This was to Ike, who came up to the open door. "He's out," said Ike gruffly. "Won't be home for two hours, and he'll come on when he gets home." "That will do," said Old Brownsmith. "Shall I see 'bout loading up again?"

It was so much a matter of course for an Indian to revenge his own wounds to alleviate his smarts, by retaliating on those who inflicted them that the chiefs expressed neither surprise nor resentment at the manner of the corporal's death.

Every man who has received a virtuous education, who has in his infancy experienced the tender cares of a parent; who has in consequence tasted the sweets of friendship; who has received kindness; who knows the worth of benevolence; who sets a just value upon equity; who feels the pleasure which the affection of our fellow creatures procures for us; who endures the inconveniences which result from their aversion who smarts under the sting which is inflicted by their scorn, is obliged to tremble at losing, by his measures, such manifest advantages at incurring such, imminent danger.

Poor Henrietta's heart is suffering from another sorrow which she feels all the more keenly because it smarts unceasingly. Her young brother, Koloman, has suddenly disappeared from Pest and left no trace behind him. They say all sorts of things about him, which I do not care about telling you, but most of them are bad enough.

He moved convulsively, and as he did so, said, "I'll be quiet, Doctor. Tell them to take off the strait waistcoat. I have had a terrible dream, and it has left me so weak that I cannot move. What's wrong with my face? It feels all swollen, and it smarts dreadfully." He tried to turn his head, but even with the effort his eyes seemed to grow glassy again so I gently put it back.

But my old mother used to say that it was a good sign when a cut smarted a lot. So I s'pose my wound's first rate, for it smarts like a furze bush in a fit." "I wish I could bathe it for you, Jem." "Thank ye, Mas' Don. I wish my Sally could do it. More in her way." "We must try and bear it all, I suppose, Jem.