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But eh, sirs!" she continued, pushing him back from her with her trembling hand and shrivelled arm, and gazing in his face as if to read, at more convenient distance, the ravages which sorrow rather than time had made on his face, "Eh, sirs! ye're sair altered, hinny; your face is turned pale, and your een are sunken, and your bonny red-and-white cheeks are turned a' dark and sun-burnt.

The scythed chariots of Boadicea, for instance, must have been damned inconvenient; yet I can conceive myself jumping 'em. But a stone, as I learnt in my boyhood a stone, sirs, and a fortiori a bullet " "Hist!" broke in my father, at the same moment reining up. "Prosper, what do you make of that noise, up yonder?" I listened. "It sounds to me like a heavy cart " "Or a waggon.

Monmouth rose on his appearance, and put his hand to his sword in alarm. Grey whipped his own from the scabbard, and placed himself slightly in front of his master as if to preserve him. "You mistake, sirs," said Wilding quietly. "The hand I have had in this affair has been to save Your Majesty from your enemies.

"Eh, sirs!" he said, having accomplished this task, "look out yonder, Milnwood; saw ye ever mortal fight like the deevil Claver'se? Yonder he's been thrice doun amang them, and thrice cam free aff. But I think we'll soon be free oursells, Milnwood. Inglis and his troopers look ower their shouthers very aften, as if they liked the road ahint them better than the road afore."

Handsome Susie knows what we want. And one ejaculated, mellifluously, 'Oh! and the other 'Ah! in flagrant derision of the foreign ways they produced in boorish burlesque a self-consolatory and a common trick of the boor. Caseldy was behind. He pushed forward and bowed to them. 'Sirs, will you mention to me what you want? He said it with a look that meant steel.

It was shewed to sir Henry Percy and to his brother and to the other knights and squires that were there, by such as had followed the Scots from Newcastle and had well advised their doing, who said to sir Henry and to sir Ralph: 'Sirs, we have followed the Scots privily and have discovered all the country.

"Aw," said Dumble, who had expected nothing, and was rather embarrassed than otherwise by their generosity, "thank 'ee kindly, sirs, and young leddies; there wasn't no 'casion to give us nothing; but thank 'ee very much all the same, and 'nother time we'll be glad to 'blige 'ee with 'nother lift." "Thank you very much," said Dan.

Philip sent four knights to the King of England to urge him to appoint a place where a battle might be fought without advantage on either side; but, "Sirs," answered Edward, "I have been here nigh upon a year, and have been at heavy charges by it; and having done so much that before long I shall be master of Calais. I will by no means retard my conquest which I have so much desired.

While this scene was acting, the inn-keeper came in upon us, with the other part of our supper; and viewing the obscene posture we were in, "I beseech you, sirs," said he, "are ye drunk, or have fled justice, and are acting it on your selves, or both? ho! who was going to make a gibet of the bed? What private designs are here on foot? What was your going out but now with intent to bilke me?

And what did my English gentleman, my cousin to an English nobleman, upon the galleon San José? Alack, sirs! were Englishmen upon Spanish ships so unknown a spectacle? "I have found them," quoth the Admiral, "rowing in Spanish galleys, naked, scarred, chained, captives and martyrs." Said Ferne, "You, sir, fought in Milan mail, standing beside the captain of soldiers from Nueva Cordoba."