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"`Go there, said he, `and you shall see a great walrus, as big as one of the boats of the women. Kill it. "The cold getting bad at that moment, I gave a tremendous sneeze, which blew my torngak away " A shriek of delight, especially from the children, interrupted Simek at this point.

"I am glad you ask the question, Simek," he replied, "because it gives me the opportunity of telling you that I have asked God, in the name of Jesus, to bring us out of our present trouble, and also of explaining that I never pray without adding the words `if it be Thy will' for God does not always answer prayer exactly in accordance with our request, but according to His own wisdom; so that, if He were hereafter to say, `Now, is not that better than you asked? we would be obliged to reply, `Yes, Lord, it is better."

This was the bay which Angut, Okiok, Simek, Red Rooney, and the others had reached in their pursuit of the wizard when the ice broke up and effectually stopped them. As it was utterly impossible to advance farther with dog and sledge, they were compelled to restrain their impatience as best they could, and await open water, when they might resume their journey in kayaks.

"The Innuit have big understandings," said Simek, with a bland smile, describing a great circle with his outspread arms; "do not fear to try them." "Well, one village we have," resumed Rooney, "is as broad as from here to the house of Okiok under the great cliff, and it is equally long."

The breathless Eskimos glanced at each other, and tried to open their eyes wider, but, having already reached the utmost limit, they failed. Unfortunately at that moment our hero was so tickled by the appearance of the faces around him, that he smiled. In a moment the eyes collapsed and the mouths opened. "Ha! ha-a-a!" roared Simek, rubbing his hands; "the Kablunet is trying to beat my walrus."

At the same time the lead which the voyagers had been following grew narrower, and that so rapidly, that they had barely time to jump upon a mass of ice when the opening closed and crushed the oomiak and Okiok's kayak to pieces. Angut and Simek had time to lift their kayaks on to the ice, but that, as it turned out, was of no advantage.

"Boo!" exclaimed the wizard, varying the expression of his contempt. "It is well that your mother has only a small family." Ippegoo was accustomed to severe backhanders from his patron; he was not offended, but smiled in a pathetic manner as he went out in silence to pick up his weapons. Just as he was returning, Arbalik, nephew to the jovial Simek, appeared upon the scene, and joined them.

The slow, heavy gait of the unwieldy animal suggested to Rooney the idea that an active man could easily get out of its way, but the cat-like activity with which it bounded over one or two rivulets that came in its way quickly dissipated that idea. "The farther he goes up that valley," whispered Simek, "the more trouble we shall have in driving him into the sea."

Angut, Okiok, and Simek led the way in kayaks, the kayak damaged by the seal having been repaired. The other men were forced to embark in the women's boat.

On hearing this, Rooney, Okiok, and Simek went to the entrance of the cave, followed by the rest, who, however, were instructed to keep under cover till required, if no more than three or four men should arrive. A few seconds later, and the robber chief appeared on the flat space in front of them. He was closely followed by a squat comrade and the fierce man with the bundle on his back.