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"SIETE ITALIANO?" said I. "SI, SIGNOR," was his reply. I said it was unusually far north to find one of his compatriots; at which he shrugged his shoulders, and replied that a man would go anywhere to find work.

My orders were to take this train through to Chattanooga as quick as I could. I can't stop on a suspicion." "No, indeed," assented Si and Shorty. "There's no place to telegraph from till we get to Bridgeport, on the Tennessee, and if we could telegraph they wouldn't pay any attention to mere reports of having seen rebels at a distance. They want something more substantial than that."

So well did they work that by dinner time they felt ready for inspection, careful reconnoissances of the other companies showing them to have no advantages. Next to the Sutler's for the prescribed white gloves. Si' had never worn anything on his hands but warm, woolen mittens knit for him by his mother, but the order said white gloves, and gloves they must have.

Ordinary people, free and slaves alike, have some trade or profession that enables them to benefit themselves and others; you seem to be an exception. Si. I do not quite see what you mean, Tychiades; put it a little clearer. Tyc. I want to know whether you have a profession of any sort; for instance, are you a musician? Si. Certainly not. Tyc. A doctor? Si. No. Tyc. A mathematician? Si. No. Tyc.

I do not know whether years have brought me the philosophic mind, or whether the book itself, as has been said, the offspring of middle-aged emotions appeals more directly to a middle-aged than to a young judgment. M. Sorel observes of its companion sententiously but truly, "Si le style de Delphine semble vieilli, c'est qu'il a été jeune."

We'll give you a cupful for a long plug with none cut off." "What kind of a cupful?" asked the bartering "Johnny." "A big, honest cupful. One o' this kind," said Si, showing his. "All right. Hit's to be strike measure," said the rebel. "Here's the plug," and he held up a long plug of "natural leaf." "O. K.," responded Si. "Meet me half way."

There's wood enough cut to last the Winter out. I've hauled all the wheat to town I'm goin' to till prices go higher. I finished gittin' out my clover seed yesterday, and now there's nothin' left for a month but to do boy's work 'round the house, or talk politics down at the store. I'd rather go down and see Si." "Why, father," remonstrated Mrs.

Si was too sick at heart to more than resolve that he would remember each one of them, and pay them off at some more convenient time. He turned and walked back as nearly as possible in the direction in which he had come. He knew that his regiment was at the front, and he had been forging toward the rear.

Nuestra educación tradicional era enteramente contraria al sistema popular de gobierno y hemos adoptado éste por considerarlo mejor que el otro, más adecuado a nuestros intereses y a los ideales del siglo, sin preguntarnos si estábamos preparados y educados suficientemente para ello.

To enable me to write well, I have only to think that my readers will belong to that polite society: 'Quoecunque dixi, si placuerint, dictavit auditor. Should there be a few intruders whom I can not prevent from perusing my Memoirs, I must find comfort in the idea that my history was not written for them.