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This is your house to-night, you know; servants and all. "'How about that boy's wakin' up? says I. "'Oh, his maid'll attend to him. If she needs any help you can give it to her, he says, winkin' on the side. "But Cousin Harriet was right at his starboard beam, and she heard him. She flew up like a settin' hen. "'Indeed they will NOT! she sings out.

This preacher came into the barn one day when I was freezin' to death after a big spree. He tuk me home with him and kep' me there for two weeks, settin' up nights with me, too. Let me be," he said impatiently to Barry, who was trying to pull him down to his seat. "I'm agoin' to speak this time if it kills me.

"'What a lovely night! she says, half to herself. Then she calls: 'Papa, dear, you really ought to see the stars. "Old man Robinson, who I judged was in the settin' room, snarled out somethin' which wa'n't no compliment to the stars. Then he ordered her to come in afore she catched cold. She sighed and obeyed orders, shuttin' the door astern of her.

"'Thar's a heap of hand-shakin' an' well-wishin' goin' on; mothers an' sisters, an' sweethearts is kissin' us good-bye; an' while thar's some hilarity thar's more sobs. It's not, as I looks back'ard, what you-alls would call a gay affair. "'While all this yere love an' tears is flowin', thar's a gent he's our Captain who's settin' off alone in his saddle, an' ain't takin' no hand.

Barkeep, do your dooty while the subscription-paper goes 'round. "The biddin' is mighty lively, an' in ten minutes seven hundred dollars is raised for a dowry. Then French, who has been settin' in a sort of daze, gets up: "'Mister Enright an' gents, he says, `this yere is a s'prise-party to me, but it goes. It's a hoss on me, but I stands it.

"Yee," old Jane assented, "but He likes sense, Athalia, and there ain't any reason why two of us shouldn't take turns settin' up with her tonight." "This is my service," Athalia said, smiling joyously. Eldress Hannah, lying with closed eyes, said, suddenly: "Athalia, don't be foolish and conceited. You go right along to your bed; Jane and Mary'll look after me."

"Van Ostend," Champney suggested; "is that the name you want?" "That's him, Van Ostend; that's the one. He an' the rest was hevin' a meetin' right here in this office 'fore they went to the train, an' I was settin' outside the winder an' heerd one on 'em say: 'Thet Mis' Googe's a stunner; what's her son like, does any one know? An' I heerd Mr.

"Well, you ain't going to have another chance here!" the old man shouted. "I'll have no jailbirds settin' around here to be petted and babied! Get that into your head! Don't you let me come into the house and find you here again " "Pa!" protested Mrs. Cox, fired by the eyes of her granddaughters. "Yes an' 'Pa'!" he snarled, pulling on his old hat, and opening the kitchen door.

"Haven't got time," laughed his cousin "Pshaw! 'Time was made for slaves' that's what Walky Dexter says. Say! let's go up to see the Shower Bath." "How about the potatoes?" "Shucks! I've done a good stint, ain't I? Dad can't expect me to work all the time. An' I bet he ain't doin' a livin' thing himself but settin' down talkin' somewhere."

And gradually all eyes fixed themselves upon Bill's face, as though acknowledging his leadership. He answered the challenge in characteristic fashion. "Guess we'll turn Sunny loose to wet-nurse 'em." An announcement which set Sunny plunging headlong to his own defense. "Say, ain't ther' no sort o' peace for a feller as needs rest? You're all mighty smart settin' folks to work.