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That she might not appear, however, to observe or expect him, she kept her eyes intently fixed on her fan; and a self-condemnation for her folly, in supposing that among such a crowd they should even meet with the Tilneys in any reasonable time, had just passed through her mind, when she suddenly found herself addressed and again solicited to dance, by Mr. Tilney himself.

During the past month I have actually prayed that he might be dead.... I shall be punished for it." I ventured no rejoinder to these words of self-condemnation. Joyce, I reflected, mundanely, had clearly swept her off her feet in the ardor of their first meeting and instant love. "It must be a great relief to you," I murmured at length, "to have it all definitely settled at last."

Sidney, too, had his promptings of obstinate humour. When he distinctly recognised Hewett's feeling it galled him; he was being treated with gross injustice, and temper suggested reprisals which could answer no purpose but to torment him with self-condemnation. However, he must needs consult his own dignity; he could not keep defending himself against ignoble charges.

As for me, I am not sure what I shall be when that time comes, a minister or an honest man all things are still possible." He raised his humiliated head, and looked out at the green leaves, with an expression of despairing self-condemnation dreadful to see. "And I had a great tragedy accepted!" he went on. "And among my papers there is a poem, which will die.

Self-justification is human nature; self-condemnation is a sublime triumph over it, and as rare as sublime. What culprits would be convicted, if their own testimony were taken by juries as good evidence?

"I don't like your principles," Philip rejoined, "though I admit that my own fail me more often than not." "Exactly. We humans do fail, and the conclusion to which it brings me is, why hold principles that you find unworkable? I prefer a standard to which I can at least be true, in the main, and avoid self-condemnation, pricks of conscience, and other little inconveniences."

No one of us would, I suppose, venture in plain words to stand up and say: 'I am an exception to your general confessions of sin, and most of us would be ready to unite in the acknowledgment: 'We have all come short of the glory of God, though in our consciences there has never stirred the faintest movement of self-condemnation even whilst our lips have been uttering the confession.

Kate had reared her own children with small misgivings, quite casually, in fact; but her heart was torn to the depths about this baby. Life never would be even what it had been before Polly left them, for into her going there entered an element of self-reproach and continual self-condemnation.

But the prayer was not audible; and who can describe the wide range of thought the grief, the anxiety for comrades as well as for himself, the remorse, the intense longing to recall the past, the wish that he might awake and find that it was only a wild dream, and, above all, the bitter almost vengeful self-condemnation!

It replied in some degree to her self-accusation, it assuaged the bitterness of her self-condemnation, to know that she was to be the active agent in putting right that which her errors of judgment had put wrong. To her essentially primitive soul atonement by proxy was as much out of the question as to the devotee beneath the wheels of Juggernaut.