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There isn't a scrap of evidence of any complication in his life. There isn't a shadow of doubt in my mind as to the cause of his disappearance." "Indeed!" Wingate murmured. "It's a villainous plot, engineered by you!" Phipps continued, his voice shaking. "I'm fond of the boy. That's why I've come to you. Name your terms." Wingate indulged in a curious bout of silence.

Then I glanced out at the fast-approaching fleet. In five minutes that mighty armada of the skies would be bent and worthless scrap, lying at the base of the shaft beyond the city's wall, and yellow hordes would be loosed from another gate to rush out upon the few survivors stumbling blindly down through the mass of wreckage; then the apts would come.

The successful manager of any business will tell you that he takes as careful an inventory of public opinion as he does of the material items of his merchandise. A capable merchant told me that he makes it a point to mingle with the crowds. "Not," said he, "to hear what they have to say, for you catch only a scrap or a sentence here and there; but to go up against them.

There is a scrap in one of the Greek tragedies the Oedipus, I think, that has always kept running through my head: "'Why should we fear, when Chance rules everything, And foresight of the future there is none? 'Tis best to live at random as we can! But thou, fear not that marriage with thy mother! Many, ere now, have dreamed of things like this, But who cares least about them, bears life best!

She gave a start when she saw a scrap of paper on the balcony, lying as though flung there by accident: "Can it be a trick of Daubrecq's?" she thought, out loud. "Can that scrap of paper contain..." "No," said a voice behind her, as she put her hand on the latch. She turned and saw Daubrecq.

Before night these kitchen middens were an inch or two deep and nearly a foot in length, composed, literally, of thousands of skins, wings, and insect armor. There was not a scrap of dirt of any kind which had not been gathered into one of the two piles.

We've just eaten the last scrap of meat in camp. There's a trail running back into the bushes that must lead to a meadow where we can walk and probably find deer." "All right. You'll take your rifle and I'll tag on with the shotgun, just to see that you keep out of mischief." The trail which the boys followed did lead to a meadow where there were plenty of deer tracks, but no deer.

A letter isn't a letter unless you feel anxious to see what's in it. I know exactly all that mamma will say, from beginning to end, before I open the envelope. Not a scrap of news, and with her opportunities, too! But I can count on Mr. Egremont for at least four sides well, three. 'But surely he is not a source of news? said her uncle with surprise. 'Why not?

"Old passion's all very well, George, in its way, and I'm the last person to be jealous. But this is old nonsense.... I'm not going to let him show off what a silly old lobster he is to other women.... I'll mark every scrap of his underclothes with red letters, 'Ponderevo-Private' every scrap. "Going about making love indeed, in abdominal belts! at his time of life!"

"Somebody's fixin' to get hurt there in about two minutes." Quin, to whom a scrap was always a pleasant diversion, ran forward and craned his neck to see what was happening. Speeches were being made, hot impassioned speeches, now in favor of the union, now against it, and every moment the excitement increased. Quin listened with absorbed attention, trying to get the straight of the matter.