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"I ’clar for’t," said she, "if Marster George has done made such a fool of hisself, I hope she’ll pull his bar a heap worse than she did Jack’s." "No danger but what she will, and yours too," was Rondeau’s consoling reply. "Lord knows," said Aunt Dilsey, "fust time she sasses me, I’ll run away long of Jack and the baby. I’ll tie up my new gown and cap in a handkerchief this night."

Carter had not been an hour in the coveted homestead ere there was mutiny against her afloat in the kitchen; "But," said Aunt Polly, "I 'vises you all to be civil till she sasses you fust!" "My dear, what room can Lenora have for her own?" asked Mrs. Hamilton, as we must now call her, the morning following her marriage.

"I don't know what ails Nance these days," Mrs. Snawdor complained to Uncle Jed. "She sasses back if you look at her, an' fergits everything, an' Snawdor says she mutters an' jabbers something awful in her sleep." "Seems to me she works too hard," said Uncle Jed, still ignorant of her extra two hours in the sweat-shop.

"Mamma, do you have to read the postmarks off my letters? I can read my own mail without any help." "How she sasses her mother! Say, for my part, I should worry if you get letters or not. A girl that is afraid to give her mother a little pleasure!" Mrs.

Annie sasses the entire factory. Annie never stops talking unless she wants to. Which is only now and then when her mother has had a bad spell and Annie gets a bit blue. Little Pauline, an Italian, only a few months in this country, only a few weeks in the factory, works across the table from Annie. Pauline is the next quickest packer in our room. She cannot speak a word of English.

He's the only one of you that sasses back, offers objections, overrules plans. He won't like it at all if I'm out with the colt and a couple of beagle hounds chasing jack rabbits when there's hay to put up, but that's the way we'll get along.

"Is that true, Anne? Or is it a whopper?" demanded Davy staring. "Davy," said Anne despairingly, "haven't you sense enough to distinguish between a fairytale and a falsehood?" "Then what is it that sasses back from the Boulter bush? I want to know," insisted Davy. "When you are a little older, Davy, I'll explain it all to you."

She was thinking of his patent leather shoes. "He's popular," said his father. "I notice it downstairs. He sasses any of them just as he likes; and no matter how busy they are, as soon as they see it's Fred they're all ready to have a laugh with him." Certainly they were, as any hotel clerk with plastered hair is ready to laugh with the son of a multimillionaire.

Bimeby dey'll git ter makin' sho' nuff fokes, an' den dere'll be a racket 'roun' here. Dey tells me dat it goes off like one er deze yer torpedoes." "You year dat, don't you?" said one or two of the younger negroes. "Dat's w'at dey tells me," continued Uncle Remus. "Dat's w'at dey sez. Hit's one er deze yer kinder w'atzisnames w'at sasses back w'en you hollers at it."

But the mother she spanks 'em, an' when Texas is goin' to give 'em some cartridges outen his belt to amoose 'em, she sasses him scand'lous, an' allows she ain't needin' no attentions from him. Then she snorts at Texas an' Cherokee contemptuous. The young-ones keeps on yellin' in a mighty onmelodious way, an' while Cherokee is ca'm an' don't seem like he minds it much, Texas gets some nervous.