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Although of a tall and athletic person, his limbs trembled in a way to refuse to support him, and when he saw the well-known face of Mr. Green, the unhappy young man sank into a seat from a real inability to stand. The other regarded him sternly through his spectacles, for more than a minute. "This is a melancholy picture, Henry Sandon!" he at length said.

Kear down from the foretop, and Burke and Sandon proceeded to tie a rope round his waist, which they afterwards fastened to the forestay; then, in a way which provoked shouts of laughter from their mates, they gave the unfortunate man a shove, and sent him rolling down like a bundle of dirty clothes on to the forecastle. I was quite mistaken as to his object. Mr.

Sandon, for I am wanted in the office, where I have left things in the hands of an inexperienced substitute. Of course you are not prepared to defend an act, that your conscience must tell you is inexcusable." "I am afraid, Mr. Green, I have been a little thoughtless or, perhaps, it would be better to say, unlucky." Mr.

The finding of this postscript drove out of Miss Euphrasia's mind another thought that had suddenly come into it as she turned the letter over in her fingers. It was some minutes before she went back to it; minutes in which she was quite absorbed with simple suggestions and peradventures in Sylvie's behalf. But "Brickfield Farms? Sandon? Josephus Browne." When had she heard those names before?

This Mucius is called Scaevola by all writers, but Athenodorus, the son of Sandon, in his book which is dedicated to Octavia, the sister of Caesar Augustus, says that he was also named Posthumus.

His slave Sandon, whom I know, told me that they were going to Naukratis, and would visit the Greek woman whom they call Rhodopis." "He spoke truly." "Then you must speed to the rescue. At the time that the market-place was full." "When the market-place begins to fill, when it is full, when it becomes empty."

"You have had a needless alarm then, for my two objects in coming to America are completely answered by meeting with Mr. Powis and the Mr. Sandon, who, I have been given to understand, is in his state-room below." The party looked at each other, but nothing was said. "Such being the facts, Captain Ducie, I beg to offer you every facility so far as the hospitality of my ship is concerned."

"She'd nothing to do with Mrs Sandon that I knows on," said the girl; "you're asking a lot of questions. You wouldn't, if master was at home." I was fairly beaten. Just then I heard a footstep behind me, and on looking round, who should I see but Miss Rundle, tripping along the pavement up to her own door, looking as brisk and young as ever. "Oh, Miss Rundle, I'm so glad to see you!"

Listen, my daughter: I myself, while still king of Lydia, often sacrificed in sincere devotion to the Apollo of the Greeks, without a fear that in so doing I should offend the Lydian sun-god Sandon; the Ionians pay their worship to the Asiatic Cybele, and, now that I have become a Persian, I raise my hands adoringly to Mithras, Ormuzd and the lovely Anahita.

I said. I looked at her very hard, but the glass was thick and dirty, and I could not make out her features. With a trembling hand I knocked at the door. A servant girl, after a little delay, opened it. "Does Mrs Sandon live here?" I asked. "No, she doesn't," was the short answer. "Can you tell me where she lives?" I said.