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Geordie responded with much modesty and misgiving, for he was the saintliest man amongst us; and his own estimate of himself was in direct antagonism to our own. "We willna urge ye, sir," he said, with a winsome smile, "but I'm sure the maist of us hae been pleadin' hard afore a higher court than this. A' I want to tell ye is this there hasna been wound or bruise upon yir relation to yir people.

Then comes the Spirit to our hut, When fast the senses' doors are shut; For so Divine and pure a guest The emptiest rooms are furnished best. Or, in the words of one of the saintliest of the mediæval mystics, 'In the chamber of the heart God works.

Thackeray is not really considered a model of elevated tone, as to such matters, among English writers; but the Frenchman is simply amazed that the Englishman should describe even the saintliest of mothers as attaching so much weight to such a small affair.

She must have thought I'd fallen asleep, for she turned to the Bishop, and holding out her hand, she said softly: "My dear, dear Bishop, you are the best-hearted, the saintliest man on earth. Because you are so beautifully clean-souled yourself, you must pardon me. I am ashamed to say it, but I shall have no rest till I do.

Flesh and blood and corrupt reason will set up the great law of self-preservation against it, and find a thousand absurdities and contradictions in it. How thoroughly Kettlewell's term was adopted, and how deeply the feeling which it represented was cherished by the saintliest of the High Churchmen of that age, is nowhere more remarkably instanced than in some very famous words of Bishop Ken.

I read him everlastingly. I read Law and Barrow too, till I almost knew many of their works by heart. I studied Penn from beginning to end. And I never got tired of reading Hooker. I regarded his Ecclesiastical Polity as one of the richest, sweetest, wisest, saintliest books under heaven. My favorite French authors were Massillon, Fenelon, Flechier, Bourdaloue and Saurin, all practical preachers.

This veteran, after having served from 1830 to 1834 as Commandant of the military division, including the departments of Brittany, the scene of his exploits in 1799 and 1800, had come to settle in Paris near his brother, for whom he had a fatherly affection. This old soldier's heart was in sympathy with his sister-in-law; he admired her as the noblest and saintliest of her sex.

'Oh, she said hopefully, 'that you would but try the Church system! How you would find it harmonise and methodise every day, every thought for you! But I cannot explain myself. Why not go to our vicar and open your doubts to him? 'Pardon, but you must excuse me. 'Why? He is one of the saintliest of men! 'To tell the truth, I have been to him already. 'You do not mean it!

'Except as to open outbreakings, said one of the very saintliest of men, 'I want nothing of what Judas and Cain had. If we feel this, we shall ask ourselves, 'Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? and the condemnation of others will stick in our throats when we try to utter it.

Servants and vagabonds, idiots and drunkards, the dirty katorzniki from the Serbian prisons all those people are God's sons and daughters, with souls full of fears and hopes, of repentance and longings after good and justice. Between saintliness and vice there is a bridge, not an abyss. The saintliest and the meanest men have still common ground for brotherhood.