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He don' know what happened to it, but he kinda s'picioned. De nex' day w'en he wuz a-goin' down de road, 'long comes Aunt Maria ag'in. "Mawnin'," says Aunt Maria. "Mawnin'," says Lijah, kinda scaihed-like. Dat was all dey said. Aunt Maria, she laugh an' go 'long, an' Lijah, he don' lak de soun'. Dat night nuffin' happen, an' Lijah, he feel bettah.

"I s'picioned it was a subscription they want; but it sounds like a good thing, and I'd like to know about it." "Won't you come with me to-day? We'll talk with Mrs. Harris, the head worker, and she'll tell you all about it." "Well I don't know " looking at her plants. "I'd ought " "Oh, please come, Miss Doane. You haven't anything to do, have you?"

I s'picioned it afore; now I know it for sartain. He's a-goin' to give Eli a mule 'n' a Winchester fer killin' me. We're goin' to s'prise him to-night. He won't be look-in' fer us I've fixed that. I wus jus' about to sen' fer ye. I hain't fergot how ye kin handle a gun." Steve laughed significantly. "Ye're a good frien' o' mine, 'n' I'm goin' to show ye thet I'm a frien' o' yourn."

Well, parson, he thess looked at me up an' down for a minute, like ez ef he s'picioned I was wanderin' in my mind, but he didn't faze me. I thess kep' up my argiment.

"It was Joseph Dylks." "Yes, I s'picioned that." "And he's been here, wanting me to go away with him Over-the-Mountains." Laban made a dry sound in his throat and it was by a succession of efforts that he could say, "And and and " "Oh, could you ask, Laban?" she lamented. "You're my husband, don't you know it?" At the sound of her lament a little voice of fear and hope answered from the cabin.

Well, parson, he thess looked at me up an' down for a minute, like ez ef he s'picioned I was wanderin' in my mind, but he didn't faze me. I thess kep' up my argiment.

I'll tell ye"-the old man lowered his tone-" thar used to be a big lot o' moonshinin' done in these parts, 'n' a raider come hyeh to see 'bout it. Well, one mornin' he was found layin' in the road with a bullet through him. Bill was s'picioned. Now, I ain't a-sayin' as Bill done it, but when a whole lot more rode up thar on hosses one night, they didn't find Bill.

An' I went on, a-whistlin' ter make him 'low ez I never s'picioned nuthin'. An' I kem inter the house an' tole dad ez he'd better be a-lookin' arter Eveliny, fur I b'lieved she war a-settin' her head ter run away an' marry Abs'lom Kittredge." "Waal, I ain't right up an' down sati'fied we oughter done what we done," exclaimed Stephen, fretfully.

En I 'spec' he would 'a' done it, too, ef de Yankees had n' s'picioned sump'n, en killed him fus'. Atter de s'render ole miss move' ter town, de niggers all scattered 'way fum de plantation, en de vimya'd ain' be'n cultervated sence." "Is that story true?" asked Annie doubtfully, but seriously, as the old man concluded his narrative. "It's des ez true ez I'm a-settin' here, miss.

"You'll consider after this that I'm the Colonel Gideon Ward of this six-mile stretch here." "I reckon there won't be any real Gid Ward any more," said the man. "Feller went through here last night, hi-larrup for 'lection, to git a doc for Gid. Seems he got caught out and froze up somehow tho I never s'picioned that weather would have any effect on the old sanup.