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We'll show old Holway that we can't be led around by the nose. "'Tompkins, says I, 'I know your head well enough to be sartin that it didn't work this out by itself. And why are you so sure of the billiard roomers? Who put you up to this? "He rapped the side of his nose. 'The smartest politician in this town, says he, 'and the oldest J. W. Gale, Esq.! S-s-sh-h! Don't say nothin'.

He would have to rely now on the very dim light in this hall and the shadow of his cap obscuring his face. If these were roomers, perhaps he would be taken for some newcomer. But he was hailed at once, and a hand was laid on his shoulder. "Hello, Pete. What's the dope?" Ronicky shrugged the hand away and went on. "Won't talk, curse him. That's because the plant went fluey."

Una still had faith in the veracity of whatever appeared in the public prints, as compared with what she dared see for herself. The advertisements led her into a dozen parts of the city frequented by roomers, the lonely, gray, detached people who dwell in other people's houses.

Worse still, in the last one she had lost a customer, too. Business languished, and she hung out a Room to Let card. Two large rooms on the third floor were prepared for desirable tenants. Roomers came, and went regretfully, for the house of Mrs. Barry was the abode of neatness, comfort and taste. One day came Ramonti, the violinist, and engaged the front room above.

She told him in her little letter about the school, said she missed the Church Street house, and asked specifically after certain "roomers." But she never received a reply. Whether the teachers suppressed Mr. Lovejoy's letter, or he had never received Adelle's, or, which was more likely, he was not sufficiently stimulated by the girl's epistle to answer her, she never knew.

If this downpour keeps on I'll need one bad as Noah ever did." Heman Daniels, Miss Timpson and Caleb Hammond were now the only boarders and roomers Mrs. Barnes had left to provide for. There was little or no profit in providing for them, for the rates paid by the two last named were not high, and their demands were at times almost unreasonable.

In her childish way she got a vague notion of some great wrong that had been done about the land so that her uncle was smelly and stupid and her aunt had to take in more roomers than she liked. That was as close to the facts as she could get then as close, it may be said, as many people ever get.... Then they went to look at houses, a more interesting occupation to the child.

It presented an appearance which, if not exactly dilapidated, was yet in strong contrast to the neat appearance of its neighbors. A printed card in one of the lower front windows indicated that roomers were wanted. It was just the sort of place that Duvall had expected to find just the sort of place in which a working girl like Marcia Ford would live.

Her earliest impressions of life must have been the dusty stairs and torn stair carpet of her aunt's house, defaced under the dirty feet of many transient "roomers," and next her aunt herself, a silent, morose woman over fifty, who accepted life as nearly in the stoic spirit as her education permitted. Mrs.

Among the Vallambrosa's roomers are stenographers, musicians, brokers, shop-girls, space-rate writers, art students, wire-tappers, and other people who lean far over the banister-rail when the door-bell rings. This treatise shall have to do with but two of the Vallambrosians though meaning no disrespect to the others.