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The apartment was large, and contained two beds, a larger and smaller one. The latter was occupied by our hero. When he awoke in the morning, the sun was shining brightly into the room. Philip looked toward the opposite bed. It was empty. "Professor Riccabocca must have got up early," he thought. "Probably he did not wish to wake me." He dressed and went downstairs.

"Married!" said Jackeymo, more dispassionately "that's very bad, certainly; but more than a hundred and fifty thousand lire, and perhaps a pretty young lady, and " "Pretty young lady!" growled Riccabocca, jumping into bed and drawing the clothes fiercely over him. "Put out the candle, and get along with you, do, you villanous old incendiary!"

He soon accustomed the boy to the tone of a conversation generally subtle and suggestive; and Lenny's language and ideas became insensibly less rustic and more refined. Then Riccabocca selected from his library, small as it was, books that, though elementary, were of a higher cast than Lenny could have found within his reach at Hazeldean.

The proud countess knew that she was in the presence of Adversity, and her salute to Riccabocca was only less respectful than that with which she would have rendered homage to her sovereign.

Riccabocca is averse to cleanliness and decent care of the person because he is a philosopher; and, all things considered, he never showed himself more a philosopher than when he left off his spectacles and looked his best." "Well," said my mother, kindly, "I only hope it may turn out happily. But I should have been better pleased if Pisistratus had not made Dr. Riccabocca so reluctant a wooer."

"These gentlemen," said the landlord, "have bills against you and the professor. It makes no difference whether they receive pay from you or him." Poor Philip's heart sank within him. "I was hoping Professor Riccabocca had settled your bills," he said. "Please show them to me." This was done with alacrity.

"The poor youth!" thought Riccabocca, "how unprepared he is for the happiness I give him!" "The cunning old Jesuit!" thought Randal; "he has certainly learned, since we met last, that he has no chance of regaining his patrimony, and so he wants to impose on me the hand of a girl without a shilling. What other motive can he possibly have?

The doctor went on railing for a quarter of an hour, and was very reluctantly appeased by Mrs. Riccabocca's repeated and tearful assurances that she would never even whisper to herself that her husband had ever held any other rank than that of doctor. Riccabocca, with a dubious shake of the head, renewed, "I have done with all pomp and pretension.

It was not, however, so rare an occurrence for the squire to be ruffled as to create any remark. Riccabocca, indeed, as a stranger, and Mrs.

"And when shall I see you again?" asked Riccabocca, disconsolately, following his guest to the door. "When? Why, of course, to-morrow. Adieu! my friend. No wonder you have borne your exile so patiently, with such a child!" He took Leonard's arm, and walked with him to the inn where he had left his horse. Leonard spoke of Violante with enthusiasm. Harley was silent.