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He said the other day at dinner, aun ton tres patetique, "I shall be much disappointed if in four or five years Lord Carlisle does not give a very good account of himself." Ministre, ou non ministre, qui tient des propos pareils, n'aura pas grande difficulte a me contenter sur le reste. He dines at March's, and I in the Privy Garden. Dr.

"Au reste il est temps pour la santé de la Reine que le carnaval finisse. On remarque qu'elle s'en altère, et que sa Majesté maigrit beaucoup." Marie Thérèse

Besides, when our principles triumph as triumph they must what would be marriage but a brief and futile ceremony, to be broken the moment thou hast cause to complain of thy wife or chafe at the bond? Only get the dot into thine own hands. L'amour passe reste la cassette."

Il y a encore dans la même église, et dans des cercueils de bois, plusieurs corps saints qui sont entiers: les voit qui veut. L'un d'eux avoit eu la tête coupée; on lui en a mis une d'un autre saint Au reste les Grecs ne portent point

"'Quand la rime enfin se trouve au bout des vers, Qu'importe que le reste y soit mis des travers." "Helas" said the Viscount D'A t, an author of no small celebrity himself; "I agree with you we shall never again see a Voltaire or a Rousseau." "There is but little justice in those complaints, often as they are made," replied Vincent.

That, is to say spende awaie in ydlenes and rest: for that on the seuenth daye, they founde reste of theyr wandering, and misery.

Neither is it the leaste incomoditie that our shippes are contynually assaulted by the corsaries and pirates and gallies of Algiers, by which they had a rich shippe, called the Mary Martin, soncke this yere; and the last yere another was taken at Trypoly in Barbary, and the master with another hanged, and the reste made slaves.

Butt wonce moer, begging your Honner's parden, and promissing all dilligence and exsackness, I reste, Your Honner's dewtiful sarvant to command, JOSEPH LEMAN. No pursuit nor have I apprehensions of any; though I must make my charmer dread that there will be one. And now, let me tell thee, that never was joy so complete as mine! But let me inquire, is not the angel flown away? O no!

'Je ne considère les gens après leur mort, said Voltaire, 'que par leurs ouvrages; tout la reste est anéanti pour moi. There is a sense in which biographical detail gives light to criticism, but not the sense in which the prurient moralist uses or seeks it. The life of the poet may help to explain the growth and prominence of a characteristic sentiment or peculiar idea.

Du reste, monsieur, on sait a present que vous avez enormement de genie; l'Empereur a donne l'ordre de representer votre opera. He moreover assured me that every facility should be placed at my disposal for the fulfilment of my wishes, and that henceforth I must make my arrangements direct with the manager Royer.