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If Johnson had been impeached and refused to submit, adopting the same tactics as did Stanton in retaining the War Department; had Ben Wade taken the oath of office and demanded possession, Heaven only knows what might have been the result. But reminiscing in this way, as I cannot avoid doing when I think back over those terrible times, I lose the continuity of my subject.

I was up near Dunkirk too for a while, only for a few weeks. When did you say he was coming?" "Next Tuesday. They are stopping off on their way to attend a wedding in Louisville. You two will have a wonderful time reminiscing." "Blythe. I'll rummage around in my memory and see if I can place him. There was a fellow named Bright up there at one time, at least I got the name as Bright.

He knew all the great operas of that period, and criticised with wonderful skill the composers and their characteristics. He gave a word picture of all the great artists who had appeared on the English stage and the merits and demerits of each. A stranger listening to him would have said that a veteran musical critic, who had devoted his life to that and nothing else, was reminiscing.

After the two traders had finished "talking musquash" fur-trade business they began reminiscing on the more picturesque side of their work, and as I had come to spend the winter with the fur hunters on their hunting grounds, the subject naturally turned to that well-worn topic, the famous Nimrods of the North.

"Good gracious, Eleanor, the Glee Club are waiting for the signal to go on while we stand here reminiscing!" Grace hurried to the wing where one of the pages stood patiently holding the Glee Club poster, and signaled to the page on the opposite side. An instant later the singers had filed on the stage for their opening song.

They seemed to be reminiscing over old times. " two thirty-eight an hour with overtime and double time for the swing shift. We really had it made then! And every Saturday, never fail, the general would come out from Muroc and tell us we were the heros of the home front with overtime pay while we listened to him!" "Yeah, but what if you wanted to quit?

She fell to plucking the roses again. "This Captain Smith," she said presently; "was he in Valeria six years ago?" "That would be in 189 ?" I reflected a moment. "Yes he was here that year." She thought a bit. "Was he given to reminiscing?" "No one in America but myself knew he had been to Valeria." She smiled. I saw the blunder. "It happened he knew of my Dalberg descent," I hastened to add.

For a long time afterwards she sat dreaming, reminiscing in sweet fancy every word and smile Theodore had given her. Whenever Molly Merriweather was mentioned to Theodore King, that young man felt a twinge in his conscience. His mother had taken him gently to task.

Wa'nt dat much, tho', fer big strong mans brung mo' dan wimmens an' gals." Long pauses accentuated the quavery voice of the old Negro, whose head resembled a nappy patch of cotton, and who was so enthusiastic over reminiscing about the days when she was young and carefree. "I was born in Huntsville, Alabamy, an' my mammy an' pappy was name Silby an' Sharper Conley.

"Oh, my dear Max," she began, hastily bundling out an old friend who had been reminiscing about the days of the de Rezskes, and waving Riatt into place, "every one is so delighted at the engagement, and thinks you both so fortunate. How happy she is, Max! She looks like a different person."