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Another journal contained an article bearing this title: "Relacion de la ahorcadura del señor Arago e del señor Berthémie," literally, "Account of the execution of M. Arago and M. Berthémie." This account spoke of the two executed men in very different terms.

No, Eduardo, no; yo le quiero a usted, más que a mi vida, pero sólo por usted, créame usted, por usted solo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Matilde mía! BRUNO. ¡Vaya que estaba su papá de usted como un tronco de dormido! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y qué ha respondido? BRUNO. Ni oste ni moste: oyó mi relación, se sonrió y echó mano a los calzoncillos. DON EDUARDO. ¿Se sonrió? BRUNO. ¡Pues! como quien dice "ya lo que es".

Ven. 1543, 12mo. Relacion de Don Juan de Persia, en III Libros. Vallad. 1604. 4to. Chardin, Voyages en Persie, et autres lieux de l'Orient. Amsterd. 3 vols. 4to. 1711.

They do all unanimously report that he did constantly affirme that he was imployed by the King of Great Brittain and did act by his commission; so that the general discourse here in towne is that one of the King of England's agents is in the Bastille; though att Court they pretend to know nothing of it and would have the world think they are persuaded he had no relacion to his Majesty.

Whilst more elaborate and intimate in parts, it yet so closely agrees throughout with his own famous "Relacion," that I do not hesitate to accept the assurance she has left us that every word he uttered was burnt as if by an acid upon her memory. As a love-story this is, I think, the saddest that ever was invented by a romancer intent upon wringing tears from sympathetic hearts.

Alarcon does not, as before noted, mention burying letters, and these were found at the foot of a tree, so that Diaz evidently failed to reach the cross erected at Alarcon's highest point. * Relacion del Suceso. Alarcon must have reached his highest point about October 5th or 6th, and the ships on the return about the 10th. Diaz probably arrived at the river about November 1st.

A third letter which I have not been able to see is mentioned by Ternaux-Compans, also a "Relacion de la Conversion de los Jumanos" by the same and dated 1640.

In 1602 there was published at Rome, under the title of Relación del Descubrimiento del Nuevo Mexico, a small booklet by the Dean of Santiago, Father Montoya, which purports to give a letter from Oñate on his occupancy of New Mexico and journey to the Colorado river of the West, thus covering the period between 1597 and 1605.

According to our naval despatches and histories the senior marine officer who commanded the whole detachment was Captain Thomas Oldfleld, R.M. The 'Relacion circumstanciada' declares that the original is in the hands of Don Bernardo Cologan y Fablon, another Irish-Spanish gentleman who united valour and patriotism. 'July 24, night.

The general tone of the document is one of sobriety. The "Relacion del Suceso," published in the Documentos Inéditos de Indias under the erroneous date of 1531, is similar to the foregoing, but is more detailed in some respects and covers a longer period of time. It manifestly was written in New Mexico by a member of the expedition, but there is no clue as yet to the name of the author.