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Reptiles must live for some good purpose. All things do don't you think?" Then, before he could make a rejoinder, she went on: "I sometimes feel that these creatures were originally placed here to encourage other and higher forms of life to come and locate in the desert were placed here, in other words, to prove that life is possible in all this desolation." He glanced at her.

"Why does no one kill this man?" he asked his teacher. "Because, my son, they fear him more than they hate him," was the answer. "Why then," was the rejoinder, "have you not given me a sword that I may set my country free?" The tutor, as it may be supposed, carried him off in haste.

That accident in regard to the colour of the Dean's lodge had stood in the way of his logical studies, so that he was unable to put his argument into proper shape; but there belonged to him a certain natural astuteness which told him that he must put in his rejoinder at this particular point. "I think I am bound in honour and in duty to marry Miss Boncassen," he said.

"Indeed!" was the bland rejoinder; "and has a manifesto of this decision been issued to the people?"

Frederick laughed; and this gay rejoinder of the learned professor reconciled him somewhat to his puffed-up and haughty self-conceit. "It is true," said he, "this time you are right; but you must admit that, in general, the French language is softer and more melodious!" "I cannot admit it," said Gottsched, fiercely. "I assert that German is more musical.

Her quick rejoinder overlapped his sentence. "Then you love her!" "Is that an alternative?" "With you yes." "Faith, my lady, you're frank!" "I'm not mealy-mouthed. You don't think yourself scrupulous, do you?" "I'm afraid I am not." "I don't mind so much your being in love with HER, though it's not flattering to my vanity, but " She stopped, letting him make the inference.

I'll help you all I can, if that'll do any good. How do you mane to set about it?" To this Saloo made no verbal rejoinder, but laying hold of a small axe, that had been brought away in the boat, he walked off toward a clump of bamboos growing near the spot where they had made their camp.

"Let it be two, then," was our immediate rejoinder, and here is what he gave us as the best recipes of the Gianduja. First, let us give you an idea of the difficulty under which we secured these recipes by printing them just as he wrote them down for us, and then we shall elaborate a little and show the result of skillful questioning.

Hugh made no rejoinder, but whistling to his dog, who sprung up at the sound and came jumping and sporting about him, bade his sympathising friend good night. 'Good night; he returned. 'Remember; you're safe with me quite safe. So long as you deserve it, my good fellow, as I hope you always will, you have a friend in me, on whose silence you may rely.

Angered by this resistance of his wishes and determined to discourage others from following the example of Fossate, he was swift and terrible in his rejoinder. He seized the Citadel, and did by force what had been refused to his request. Setting at liberty the prisoners in durance there, he gave the territory over to devastation by fire and pillage.