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Ask Joan to fix you up; she'll find a place for you to work. And if you're going to be working late, I'll order some dinner for you from the cafeteria. I'm going to be here all evening, myself." Sid Keating came in, a short while later, peeling out of his overcoat, jacket and shoulder holster. "I don't think they got everything out of that reactor," he said.

Roger glided the jet boat to a smooth stop on the night side of the planetoid. "How much longer before the reactor units go up?" asked Shinny. Connel turned, thinking he had heard something on the communicators, then answered Shinny's question. "Only four hours," he said. The crew of spacemen climbed out of the jet boat into the still blackness of the night side of the planet.

"And how about the action of members of your union, acting on instructions from Harry Crandall, in re-packing the Number One Doernberg-Giardano breeder-reactor at our plant, after the plutonium and the U-238 and the neutron-source containers had been removed, in order to re-initiate a chain reaction to prevent Mr. Melroy's employees from working on the reactor?" Leighton demanded.

I talked to Fred Hausinger, the maintenance boss; he doesn't like it, either." "Well, I'm no nuclear physicist," Melroy disclaimed, "but all that alpha stuff looks like a big chunk of Pu-239 left inside. What's Fred doing about it?" "Oh, poking around inside the reactor with telemetered scanners and remote-control equipment. When I left, he had a gang pulling out graphite blocks with RC-tongs.

For about an hour, he poked around the newly assembled apparatus, checking the wiring, and peering into it. When he returned to the temporary office, the oral testing was still going on; Koffler was still on duty as watcher for the union, but the sport had evidently palled on him, for he was now studying a comic book. Melroy left the reactor area and returned to the office in the converted area.

The only difference between this transmitter and the preceding one is that: two 5 watt tubes are used, the first serving as an oscillator and the second as a modulator; an oscillation choke coil is used in the plate circuit; a reactance coil or reactor, is used in the plate circuit; and a reactor is used in the grid circuit. The Oscillation Choke Coil.

"You'll never get us on a prison asteroid," whined Mason. "Don't kid yourself," said Roger. "As soon as we get the reactor units set, we're going to send this hunk of copper back to Earth and then take you back. They'll bury you!" "Who's going to do all that?" snapped Loring. "A bunch of punk kids and a loudmouthed Solar Guard officer?" "Yeah," retorted Roger. "Cadet Manning!"

"Got a hot rocket in his craw," he said quietly. "But watch your step with him, Kit. Personally, I wouldn't trust that spaceman as far as I could throw an asteroid." Kit grinned. "Thanks and good luck." "I'll need it if you get that reactor of yours working," said the Martian. He turned and left the stand without a word to Tom, Roger, or Astro.

"I have my new reactor unit working properly now, and I believe that I still have a chance." "But you've lost hours, man," protested the major. "I can make them up, sir," said Kit. "Am I permitted to carry on?" The major was flustered, but nodded his head. "By all means. Yes, indeed! And spaceman's luck to you."

Melroy watched the process of oral testing and personal interviewing for a while, then picked up a big flashlight and dropped it into his overcoat pocket, preparatory to going out to inspect some equipment that had been assembled outside the reactor area and brought in. As he went out, Koffler was straddling a chair, glowering at Doris Rives and making occasional ostentatious notes on a pad.