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There's something different about this fellow. Astro passed him with flying colors. Said he knew as much about a reactor unit as he did. Roger passed him too." "Who is it?" asked Roger. Strong handed him the paper. "Sure, I passed him," said Roger. "That guy really knows his electronics." Strong looked at Tom. "How do you feel about it, Tom?" "Well, sir," began Tom, "I would pass him in a minute.

A condenser also has a reactance effect on an alternating current but different from an induction coil the lower the frequency the greater will be the reactance. For this reason both a filter reactor and filter condensers are used to smooth out the pulsating direct currents. In the chapters on Receptors you have been told how to build up high-grade sets.

Where a single tube is used as an oscillator and a second tube is employed as a modulator, a reactor, which is a coil of wire wound on an iron core, is used in the plate circuit to keep the high voltage direct current of the motor-generator the same at all times. Likewise the grid circuit reactor is used to keep the voltage of the grid at a constant value. Connecting up the Apparatus.

The excuse was that it would be unsafe to leave the reactor in its dismantled condition during a prolonged shutdown they were assuming, I suppose, that the strike would be allowed to proceed unopposed but of course the real reason was that they wanted to get a chain-reaction started to keep our people from working on the reactor." "Well, didn't Hausinger try to stop them?" "Not very hard.

What retribution, if any? Assassination, never, as two wrongs did not make one right. Duel by combat, no. Divorce, not now. Hushmoney by moral influence possibly. By what reflections did he, a conscious reactor against the void of incertitude, justify to himself his sentiments? In what final satisfaction did these antagonistic sentiments and reflections, reduced to their simplest forms, converge?

When they reached the slidestairs, a moving belt of plastic that spiraled upward to an overhead slidewalk bridge connecting the dormitory to the Tower of Galileo, Tom's eyes were bright and shiny. "Whatever it is," he said, "if Major Connel suggested us for it, you can bet your last reactor it'll be a rocket buster."

The only differences between this and the preceding transmitter are: the magnetic modulator, if you use one, should have an output of 3-1/2 to 5 amperes; you will need two 50 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; two 150 watt rectifier tubes with sockets; an aerial ammeter that reads to 5 amperes; three 1 mfd. filter condensers in parallel; two filter condensers of 1 mfd. capacitance that will stand 1750 volts; and a 300 milliampere filter reactor.

We came down here to do a job and we're going to do it! Get moving! We still have to set up the rest of these reactor units." Without a word, the five men returned to their small ships and followed their commanding officer. The sun grew larger and the heat more intense with each minute, since each minute brought them almost thirteen hundred miles closer to the sun's blazing surface.

I hope I can get Crandall on record to that effect; I'll fire every one of those men for leaving their work without permission and absence from duty without leave. How many of our own men, from Pittsburgh, do we have working in these machine shops and in the assembly shop here? About sixty?" "Sixty-three. Why? You're not going to use them to work on the reactor, are you?" "I just am.

Both spacemen were reluctant to voice any predictions of the outcome of the race, but Tom noticed that Kit was smiling and seemed in good spirits. Tom, with all his worries about Roger, could not help but feel happy that the independent spaceman was proving his reactor. A man in the uniform of a Solar Guard major appeared.