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On the moral teachings of Epicurus consult Zeller, Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics, Ch. 19; Ueberweg, History of Philosophy, § 59; Guyan, La morale d'Épicure et ses rapports avec les doctrines contemporaines. CURIUM ... CORUNCANIUM: see n. on 15.

Her efforts to charm Napoleon led only to estrangement, although he appointed her friend Benjamin Constant to the tribunate; but when he publicly announced the advent of the tyrant Napoleon, she was accused of inciting her friends against the government, and was again banished to Coppet, where she wrote the celebrated work De la Littérature Considérée sous ses Rapports avec les Institutions Sociales, a singular mixture of satirical allusions to Napoleon's government and cabals against his power; in that work she announced, also, her belief in the regeneration of French literature by the influence of foreign literature, and endeavored to show the relations which exist between political institutions and literature.

[Footnote 659: Grant to Forbes, no date. "Les rapports sur le nombre des Français varient de 3,000

The best advice that I know on this subject is given by Cabanis in his Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme. Through neglect of this rule, many men of genius and great scholars have become weak-minded and childish, or even gone quite mad, as they grew old.

Much curious information on this subject will be found in Cabanis' Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme. Kay's Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes, p. 75. Mortimer Granville's How to Make the Best of Life. Before entering into a more particular account of the chief elements of a happy life it may be useful to devote a few pages to some general considerations on the subject.

I ; W. A. Dunning, A History of Political Theories from Luther to Montesquieu ; Paul Janet, Histoire de la science politique dans ses rapports avec la morale, 3d ed., Vol. In the seventeenth century and in the greater part of the eighteenth, public attention was directed chiefly toward dynastic and colonial rivalries. In the European group of national states, France was the most important.

In the first of his four lectures on La Nature de l'Ame, given at London University in 1911, we find him criticizing the notion that consciousness has no independence of its own, that it merely expresses certain states of the brain, that the content of a fact of consciousness is to be found wholly in the corresponding cerebral state. Rapports du physique et du morale de l'homme, 1802.

I never heard him play with so much dash; he really seemed inspired. Prince Metternich asked him to order a piano to be sent to his salon in the chateau. "I cannot exist without a piano," said he. "It helps me to write my tiresome rapports." At eleven o'clock we went into the Emperor's salon, where tea was served. MONDAY, November 24, 1866.

The fact is, that snake venoms are about the safest of poisons for the criminal." Kennedy had scarcely propounded this startling idea when a car was heard outside. The Rapports had arrived, with the officer I had sent after them, protesting and threatening. They quieted down a bit as they entered, and after a quick glance around saw who was present.

Analysis, ii. 2. This point puzzles Destutt de Tracy. All error, he says, arises in judgments: 'Cependant les jugements, les perceptions de rapports, en tant que perceptions que nous avons actuellement, sont aussi certaines et aussi réelles que toutes les autres. Éléments d'Idéologie , iii. 449. Analysis, ii. 6, 7. Analysis, ii. 18 n. Analysis, ii. 24 n. Ibid. ii. 132-33. Analysis, ii. 67-69.