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Updated: November 19, 2024
Sometimes he exchanged greetings and jokes with other boatmen; sometimes he sang snatches of plaintive songs, such as "N'erount très frères N'erount très frères N'haut qu'une soeur
Je n'ai qu'un Dieu, qu'un roi, qu'un liard, et qu'une botte. "L'un jurait et l'autre sacrait. Quand irons nous dans la foret? Demandait Charlot a Charlotte. Tin tin tin Pour Pantin. Je n'ai qu'un Dieu, qu'un roi, qu'un liard, et qu'une botte." They directed their course towards Saint-Merry. The band augmented every moment.
He was profoundly religious, eagerly benevolent, utterly impatient of whatever stood between him and the laudable object of the moment, warmly attached to those who shared his sympathies and helped his enterprises Fort comme le diamant; plus tendre qu'une mère. The imperiousness which I described at the outset remained a leading characteristic to the last.
Essay on Dramatick Poesy. A French hendecasyllable verse runs exactly like our ballad measure: A cobbler there was and he lived in a stall, ... La raison, pour marcher, n'a souvent qu'une voye. The verse is not a hendecasyllable. Moore's Diary, 24th April, 1821.
In closing his letter, the marquis said: "Enfin, sire, quand il serait vrai que tout ceci ne fut qu'une bete italienne qui so serait echauffee, et qui aurait pris des chimeres pour des verites, ce qui pourrait encore bien etre, cette femme ne parait rien moins que prudente et tranquille.
"Eh bien, Vicomte!" says the young Prince, who was a boy, and a French boy, "il ne nous reste qu'une chose a faire:" he placed his sword upon the table, and the fingers of his two hands upon his breast: "We have one more thing to do," says he; "you do not divine it?" He stretched out his arms: "Embrassons nous!" The talk was scarce over when Beatrix entered the room: What came she to seek there?
Papa has been made a bishop!" With a cheery laugh she went to the table and took up the newspaper. Sa maniere de souffrir est le temoignage qu'une ame porte sur elle-meme. There was a horrid throbbing silence while Dora read, and her parents calculated the seconds which would necessarily elapse before she reached the bottom line. Such moments as these are scored up as years in the span of life.
"Don't do that again! Please don't. I do not understand it! You must not!" He laughed again, but with a note of tenderness in his voice, and took her hand to lead her away, humming in an undertone the last couplet of his song: "Non, ce n'est qu'une étoile, Qu'éclaire nos amours!"
But Madame de Cruchecassee, and Madame de Schlangenbad, and those horrid people whom the men speak to, but whom the women salute with silent curtseys, persisted in declaring that there was no prude like an English prude; and to Dr. Finck's oaths, assertions, explanations, only replied, with a shrug of their bold shoulders, "Taisez-vous, Docteur, vous n'ete qu'une vieille bete."
Bismarck, qui s'y connaissait, avait une haute opinion de Disraeli, "Salisbury est sans importance," disait-il durant le congrès de Berlin: "ce n'est qu'une baguette peinte pour ressembler
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