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This surprised me, for I should have thought every man interested enough in the supposed treasure to wish to be present at its uncovering; and it annoyed me still more the success of my plan demanded a clear deck. However, there was nothing for it now but to trust that Pulz had wished to visit the forecastle, and that I might find the afterworks empty.

Edwards and his men aboard. No such experts as Pulz or Perdosa were in your crew. Consequently it took longer to get the chest open. When at length the lid was raised, there was a repetition of the tragedy. Mr. Edwards and his men leaped. Probably they were paralysed almost before they struck the water.

"Northern lights," hazarded Pulz. "I've seen them almost like that in the Behring Seas." "Northern lights your eye!" sneered Handy Solomon. "What do you think, sir?" Thrackles inquired of the assistant. "Devil's fire," replied Percy Darrow briefly. "The island's a little queer. I've noticed it before." "Debbil fire," repeated the Nigger. Darrow turned directly to him.

I looked forward and aft for Pulz, but could see nothing of him, and had just about concluded that he had gone forward when I happened to glance aloft. There, to my astonishment, I made him out, huddled in silhouette against the stars, close to the main truck. What he was doing there I could not imagine.

Such lines one might make with a hard blue pencil pressed strongly into the flesh. The surgeon moved a little nearer. "Can you give me any news of my friend Thrackles?" asked Darrow lightly. "Or the esteemed Pulz? Or the scholarly and urbane Robinson of Ethiopian extraction?" "Dead," said the captain. "Ah, a pity," said the other. He put his hand to his forehead. "I had thought it probable."

One day on a walk in the hills I came on Thrackles and Pulz lying on their stomachs gazing down fixedly at Dr. Schermerhorn's camp. This was nothing extraordinary, but they started guiltily to their feet when they saw me, and made off, growling under their breaths. All this that I have told you so briefly, took time. It was the eating through of men's spirits by that worst of corrosives, idleness.

"S'pose we go up the gulch and get it, then," suggested Thrackles. But at this Handy Solomon drew back in evident terror. "Up that hole of hell?" he objected. "Not I. You an' Pulz go." They wrangled over it, Pulz joining. Perdosa, shaken to the soul, crept in, and made a bee-line for the rum barrel. He and the Nigger were frankly scared.

I believe he had a name, Robinson, or something of that sort. He was to all of us, simply the Nigger. Unlike most of his race, he was gloomy and taciturn. Of the other two, a little white-faced, thin-chested youth named Pulz, and a villainous-looking Mexican called Perdosa, I shall have more to say later. My arrival broke the talk on alchemy. It resumed its course in the direction of our voyage.

Bixio's division was also engaged in this prelude, which augured not ill for the Italians, since at about eight o'clock Pulz received the Archduke's orders to retire. The first hours of the battle were spent in fortuitous encounters along the extensive chain of hillocks which La Marmora had intended to occupy.

But when his eye looks like that, then you want to listen close. He sees things then. Lots of times he's seen things. Even last year the Oyama he told about her three days ahead. That's why we were so ready for her," he chuckled. Nothing more developed for a long time except a savage fight between Pulz and Perdosa.