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"And he was so much horrified by the news that this illness is the result. I see now," said Mrs. Vane coolly, "why this break down has taken place. The poor boy, General, has been so harassed and overcome by the discovery that his brain has for the time being given way. And yet this girl pretends that he wants her to remain!"

Aunt Fiction told him all the children had said; but he answered impatiently: "Tut, tut! my dear: I want the facts of the case. You are apt to exaggerate; and Fancy is not to be relied on. If the child isn't a fool, she must know more about herself than she pretends. Now, answer truly, Luly, where did you come from?"

I have watched him for years," she went on, with rising anger, "and I tell you that Frank Muller is a liar and a traitor. That man would betray his own father if he thought it to his interest to do so. He hates uncle I am sure he does, although he pretends to be so fond of him. I am certain that he has tried often and often to stir up the Boers against him.

But I do not believe he will like it so well as he thinks. At least, I know that my father has to work pretty hard, harder than Lamb ever worked, or ever will work." "O dear! "That is another mistake of Lamb's, about the quantity of money," said Holt. "I do not believe anybody in India is so rich as he pretends, if they work ever so hard.

No marvel then if there is here a disagreement; the beast can but see as a beast, but the church is resolved not to be guided by the eye of a beast, though he pretends to have his light by that very window by which the church has hers. How then can it be but that light should be against light in this house, and that in a military posture?

He ran down to the cellar at the risk of breaking his neck, to ransack some private catacomb, known, as he boasted, only to himself, and which never either had, or should, during his superintendence, renden forth a bottle of its contents to any one but a real king's friend. I jaloused him, sir, no to be the friend to government he pretends: the family are not to lippen to.

It is mamma who is speaking; she is busying herself with the drawers of the chiffonier which every day, for many years, she had asked me to bring to her, sometimes she pretends to need them merely for the purpose of pleasing me by requiring my services. It was one of the things that I was able to do for her when I was very little: to carry to her one or another of those tiny drawers.

"And can you keep a secret?" He looked at her, not knowing whether he ought to laugh or frown, and Dolly went up to him, put her hands on his shoulders, and raised herself so that she could whisper in his ear. "She isn't half as angry as she pretends," she said. Then Eleanor came back, and Dolly made herself scarce.

"This is another of the old schoolmaster's brothers, who was bred in Italy, where he acquired very idle habits, and goes by the name of Signor Far Niente. He pretends to lead an easy life, but is really the most miserable fellow in the family." "O, take me back! take me back!" cried poor little Daffydowndilly, bursting into tears.

As those great phenomena are the first objects of human curiosity, so the science which pretends to explain them must naturally have been the first branch of philosophy that was cuitivated. The first philosophers, accordingly, of whom history has preserved any account, appear to have been natural philosophers.