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You once more ask, "If he has got nothing to match the colour you require?" and he shrugs his shoulders and answers, "Pourtant, madame, what I have shewn you is much superior," "Very possible; but no colour will suit me but this one," holding up the pattern; "for I want to replace a breadth of a new dress to which an accident has occurred."

In short, take my advice and never mount a horse again when there is a Yankee in sight." We were highly gratified at being mistaken for them, and pretended to believe it was true. I hardly think he was right, though; it is too preposterous. Pourtant, Sunday morning the Yankees told a negro they did not mean to touch the house, but were shooting at some guerrillas at a camp just beyond.

The English critic, he said, wrote in the Tintinum, and he looked dubiously at me when I confessed that I had never heard of the organ in question. "'Pourtant, he said, 'je vous le ferai voir, and I soon perceived that Jasmin's Tintinum was no other than the Athenaeum!

I was speaking of her this morning to a lady of our acquaintance, who acquiesced in my friendly eulogiums, but added, in a tone of superiority, "C'etoit pourtant une petite femme bien minutieuse she always put me out of patience with her birds and her flowers, her levees of poor people, and her persevering industry in frivolous projects."

Renoir is as French as French can be, and he knows it: Lorsque je regarde les maîtres anciens je me fais l'effet d'un bien petit bonhomme, et pourtant je crois que de tous mes ouvrages il restera assez pour m'assurer une place dans l'école française, cette école que j'aime tant, qui est si gentille, si claire, de si bonne compagnie... Et pas tapageuse.

A letter from Sir J. Sinclair, whose absurd vanity bids him thrust his finger into every man's pie, proposing that Hurst and Robinson should sell their prints, of which he says they have a large collection, by way of lottery like Boydell. "In scenes like these which break our heart Comes Punch, like you and " Mais pourtant, cultivons notre jardin. The public favour is my only lottery.

He uses sufficiently large words, speaking of the vaste, horrible et pourtant magnifique of the horreur du séjour, and the grandeur des demeures souterraines; but he only calls the glorious ice-fall a plan incliné, and says that the whole was less remarkable for the amount of ice, than for the characteristics indicated by the words I have quoted.

Don't you remember hearing that Voltaire, with almost his last breath, said, 'Et pourtant, il y a un Dieu!" Returning on deck, Mr. Cameron took his watch beside the young Highlander. There was no return of consciousness, and very soon the happy spirit freed itself from its earthly tenement without a struggle.

"I can bring him when I want him, Victor," said the lady. "Let us hope others will be equally fortunate," the Gascon said, with one hand in his breast, the other stroking his moustache. "Fi, monsieur, que vous sentez le tabac! je vous le defends, entendez-vous, monsieur?" "Pourtant, I have seen the day when Madame la Duchesse did not disdain a cigar," said Victor.

Pourtant j'ai mon projet," she added in a lower tone. "What is it?" "I will go and live in England; I will teach French there." The words were pronounced emphatically. She said "England" as you might suppose an Israelite of Moses' days would have said Canaan. "Have you a wish to see England?" "Yes, and an intention."