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They asked of vs what Portugals wee had seene, we answered, none but Fishermen: then they told vs that there were certaine Portugall ships gone to the Mina to defend it, and that they met with another at the riuer de Sestos, which was a ship of two hundred which they had burned, and had saued none but the master and two or three Negroes, and certaine others which were sore burned which they left a shoare there.

The 7 day we had sight of fiue of the king of Portugals ships which came to an ancre besides the castle. The 8 day George and Binny came to vs, and brought with them two pound of golde.

And nowe wee had our hands full and with ioy shaped our course for England, for so it was thought meetest, hauing now so many Portugals, Spaniards and Frenchmen amongst vs, that if we should haue taken any more prizes afterwards, wee had not bene well able to haue manned them without endangering our selues.

Several times before agreeing and perhaps more often than need was my Master consulted with the Lady Alicia. But she seemed indifferent what happened to the ship. Indeed, she might well have been overwearied. At length, the Portugals having it their own way, we parted: Mr. Saint Aubyn riding off to lodge for the night with Mr.

Then certaine of our men with the Hindes boate went into the Bay which lieth to the Eastward of the towne, and within that Bay they found a goodly fresh riuer, and afterwards they came and waued to vs also to come in, because they perceiued the Negroes to come downe to that place, which we did: and immediately the Negroes came to vs, and made vs signes that they had golde, but none of them would come aboord our boates, neither could we perceiue any boates that they had to come withall, so that we iudged that the Portugals had spoiled their boates, because we saw halfe of their towne destroyed.

Drake introduced to Queen Elizabeth Describes his birth, education, early voyages, adventures with Hawkins, capture of treasure, and first sight of the South Sea Exploit and death of Oxenham Drake's liberality His plan unfolded The Queen's sanction A squadron of five vessels equipped Sails on 15th of November, 1577 Puts into Mogador visited by Moorish chiefs A seaman carried off by the Moors Small prizes taken Drake's generosity Touches at the Cape de Verdes The inhabitants fly Expedition on shore No provisions to be obtained A Portugal ship taken, and the pilot, Nuno da Silva, detained The Portugals liberated, and a pinnace given them Captain Doughty's misconduct The coast of Brazil sighted Native alarm fires seen A tempest The Christopher separates Squadron enters Rio de la Plata The Christopher returns Sails along the coast Another storm Caunter lost sight of Approach of winter The Admiral in danger Rescued by Captain Thomas of the Marigold Lands Natives fly Their huts visited Mode of catching ostriches The squadron collected The Elizabeth broken up Natives appear Friendly intercourse The Christopher run on shore The Mary recovered Squadron anchors in Port Saint Julien.

Here the Portugals taken near Saint Jago were dismissed; the Christopher, pinnace, being given them in exchange for their own ship, and wine, bread, and fish for their provision, excepting Nuna da Silva, who, when he heard that the fleet was bound for the South Sea, willingly remained with Drake.

They will giue meat to the Ants. Goa is the most principal citie which the Portugals haue in India, wherein the Viceroy remaineth with his court. It standeth in an Iland, which may be 25. or 30. miles about. It is a fine citie, and for an Indian towne very faire. The Iland is very faire, full of orchards and gardens, and many palmer trees, and hath some villages.

This Ceylon is a braue Iland, very fruitfull and faire; but by reason of continuall warres with the king thereof, all things are very deare: for he will not suffer any thing to be brought to the castle where the Portugals be: wherefore often times they haue great want of victuals. Their prouision of victuals commeth out of Bengala euery yere.

The third day we ran all day to the Southwestwards to seeke the Portugals, but could haue no sight of them, and halled into the shore. The fourth day, when we had sight of land, we found that the current had set vs thirty leagues to the Eastwards of our reckoning, which we woondered at: for the first land we made was Lagua.

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