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But nothing fell out to blot her hopes, everything seemed to be happening just as she had foreseen it, and trembling with pleasurable excitement the twain hurried through the town inquiring out the way to the Wesleyan Church.

In an instant every tongue is at work, and every individual bent upon making themselves happy for the moment, and contributing to the happiness of their fellow travellers. Talking, joking, laughing, singing, reciting, every enjoyment which is light and pleasurable is instantly adopted.

But to atone for these vulgarisms, who that has heard the syren strains of Stephens or Paton, or the Anglo-Italian style of Braham, but has envied them the pleasurable monopoly of delighting thousands, and sending them home with the favourite air still echoing in their ears, and lulling them to soft slumbers!

It not only dictates, but of itself tends to produce a more frequent employment of picturesque and vivifying language, than would be natural in any other case, in which there did not exist, as there does in the present, a previous and well understood, though tacit, compact between the poet and his reader, that the latter is entitled to expect, and the former bound to supply this species and degree of pleasurable excitement.

This kind of delirium is distinguished from that which attends the fevers above mentioned from its not being accompanied with general debility, but simply with excess of pleasurable sensation; and is therefore in some measure allied to madness or to reverie; it differs from the delirium of dreams, as in this the power of volition is not totally suspended, nor are the senses precluded from external stimulation; there is therefore a degree of consistency, in this kind of delirium, and a degree of attention to external objects, neither of which exist in the delirium of fevers or in dreams.

Among this confusion the one who had read the lists was observed to be endeavouring to make his voice known, whereupon, in the expectation that he had omitted a name, the tumult was quickly subdued by those who again had pleasurable visions. "There was among the candidates one of the name of Ling," said he, when no-noise had been obtained.

I was but ten years old when this happened: but whether it was, that the action itself was more in unison to my nerves at that age of pity, which instantly set my whole frame into one vibration of most pleasurable sensation; or how far the manner and expression of it might go towards it; or in what degree, or by what secret magick, a tone of voice and harmony of movement, attuned by mercy, might find a passage to my heart, I know not; this I know, that the lesson of universal good-will then taught and imprinted by my uncle Toby, has never since been worn out of my mind: And tho' I would not depreciate what the study of the Literae humaniores, at the university, have done for me in that respect, or discredit the other helps of an expensive education bestowed upon me, both at home and abroad since; yet I often think that I owe one half of my philanthropy to that one accidental impression.

"The continued obstruction of instinctive striving is always accompanied by painful feeling, its successful progress towards its end by pleasurable feeling, and the achievement of its end by a pleasurable sense of satisfaction."

But he did look forward with pleasurable excitement to his visit, for all that. The day came at length, and he started for Barnsbury, snugly ensconsed in a first-class carriage, with wraps, and comic papers, and a story by Manville Fenn with a thrilling picture on the cover, and his beloved gun in the rack over his head.

There's been some trouble between Mimi and me this afternoon, and I'm hoping that you'll straighten it out for me." "Ah!" Mr. Prohack's interest became suddenly intense and pleasurable. "The silly girl's given me notice. She's fearfully hurt because you told her that I told you about the church-clock affair, after it had been agreed between her and me that we wouldn't let on to anybody at all.