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Her usual play-fellow was Herbert, but their plays regularly ended in quarrels quarrels in which both parties were commonly in the wrong, though the whole of the blame necessarily fell upon Herbert, for Herbert was neither caressing nor caressed. Mrs.

The frog answered, "I do not care for thy clothes, thy pearls and jewels, or thy golden crown, but if thou wilt love me and let me be thy companion and play-fellow, and sit by thee at thy little table, and eat off thy little golden plate, and drink out of thy little cup, and sleep in thy little bed if thou wilt promise me this I will go down below and bring thee thy golden ball again."

It was five years now since she had seen her old play-fellow, and she found herself wondering if he would be greatly changed. After tea Beth took out her books, as usual, for an hour or two; then, about eight o'clock, with her tin-pail on her arm, started up the road for the milk. This was one of her childhood's tasks that she still took pleasure in performing.

Marshall's white elephant will linger as a memory, even as his ghost remains, longer than the sagacious play-fellow of Mr. Gilbert's little Indian; but nobody can forget the battle the latter fought with the python.

However, on second thought, this metaphor is not happy description; old Etienne did not rule he obeyed. He did not resent familiarity he welcomed the comradeship of the children. When they called him "Pickaroon" it seemed to him that they were making a play-fellow of him. He sat and whittled toys for them out of the pine-wood scraps which the yard foreman gave him.

For the same reason, too because they exhibit such wonderful marks of intelligence, approaching, sometimes, almost to the boundary of human reason I shall occupy much more time in relating stories about them than about any other animal. Let me see. Where shall I begin? With Rover, my old friend Rover my companion and play-fellow, when a little boy?

They were both thin, pale, sharp-featured children, and Richard drew himself up to his full height, with great satisfaction at being so much taller than Lothaire. They came up ceremoniously to their father and kissed his hand, while he kissed their foreheads, and then said to them, "There is a new play-fellow for you."

In his steeple-crowned hat was stuck a peacock's feather; and any passenger would have been puzzled to ascertain whether the motley deformed being was a wit or a fool. "Now" thus ran his thoughts "Now do I defy any of the serving-men at Whitehall to recognise their play-fellow, Sir Willmott Burrell's valet, in the gipsy-looking rascal into which I have, of myself, manufactured myself!

No elephant in all the jungle would harm the Tarmangani the white-ape; but with the madness of MUST upon him the great bull sought to destroy his long-time play-fellow. Back to the tree where La and Tarzan perched came Tantor, the elephant.

"Oh aye, little priest! thou wast tired enough a moment ago, and though we are not three leagues from the Blessed Fisherman, thou couldst scarce sit thy saddle longer. Mother of God! and all to see that little mongrel, Juanita." "But, good Antonio, Juanita was my play-fellow, and I may not soon again chance this way. And Juanita is not a mongrel, no more than I am."