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Nina, éventez!" cried she to one of her attendants, who was standing at the head of the sofa with a large feather fan. "Oui, madame," replied the girl, stirring up the dormant atmosphere. "Éventez! Caroline, éventez mes mains, vite." "Oui, madame," replied the second, working away with another fan. "Éventez! éventez mes pieds, Mimi."

What waiter what cook can possibly respect men who take no soup, and begin with a roti; who know neither what is good nor what is bad; who eat rognons at dinner instead of at breakfast, and fall into raptures over sauce Robert and pieds de cochon; who cannot tell, at the first taste, whether the beaune is premiere qualite, or the fricassee made of yesterday's chicken; who suffer in the stomach after champignon, and die with indigestion of a truffle?

She united, he says, the sweetness of the German lady with the energy of the Arabian, a combination hard to judge of. As to her feet, he adds, I say nothing; for she had scarcely any at all. 'Je ne parle point de ses pieds, elle n'en avait presque pas. 'Poor lady! says a compassionate rustic: 'no feet!

He called Charles 'the most unworthy of mortals, insomuch that I have been assured, when he went down to Nantz to embark on his expedition to Scotland, he took fright and refused to go on board; and his attendants, thinking the matter gone too far, and that they would be affronted for his cowardice, carried him in the night time into the ship, pieds et mains lies.

I was reaching for her cloak. Then at once I caught a glimpse of her stockinged foot, the toe of which slightly protruded from beneath her ball gown. She saw the glance and laughed. "Poor feet," she said. "Ah, mes pauvres pieds la! You would like to see them bruised by the hard going in some heathen country? See you have no carriage, and mine is gone. I have not even a pair of shoes.

She united, he says, the sweetness of the German lady with the energy of the Arabian, a combination hard to judge of. As to her feet, he adds, I say nothing; for she had scarcely any at all. 'Je ne parle point de ses pieds, elle n'en avait presque pas. 'Poor lady! says a compassionate rustic: 'no feet!

"Wha-a-a-at?" says I. "Oh, oh, I guess it ain't as bad as that." "Pardon," says Leon, "but I discover them steef, les pieds dans le ciel. Thus!" And he illustrates by holdin' both hands above his head. "Perhaps it would be best to investigate," suggests Auntie. "I have no doubt Leon is right.

Le karman est un beau prince, âgé de trente-deux ans, et qui a épousé la soeur d'Amurat-Bey. Il est fort obéi dans ses états; cependant j'ai entendu des gens qui disent de lui qu'il est très-cruel, et qu'il passe peu de jours sans faire couper des nés, des pieds, des mains, ou mourir quelqu'un. Un homme est-il riche, il le condamne

But, returning resolutely to the petit verre, I am willing to concede that all after fourscore is the bain de pieds, the slopping over, so to speak, of the full measure of life.

Hippolyte was waiting among the other servants with our peignoirs, and presently he clapped his hands to insure attention, and shouted, "Il ne faut pas que Madame la Baronne reste trop longtemps se mouillant les pieds, elle prendrait froid, mieux vaut sortir de l'eau!"