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Her perfect little figure needed no support; she was simply attired in a muslin robe de chambre, as she reposed upon the ottoman, waiting with all the impatience of her caste, for the setting in of the sea-breeze, which would give some relief from the oppressive heat of the climate. "Eventez!

But she had not quitted the room before Madame de Fontanges had changed her mind. "Attendez, Manchette. Ce n'est pas ça. Je voudrais de limonade. Charlotte, va l'en chercher." "Oui, madame," said Charlotte, leaving the room to execute the order. "Ah, mon Dieu! qu'il fait une chaleur épouvantable. "Mimi, que tu es paresseuse? Eventez! vite, vite. " est Monsieur?" "Monsieur dort."

J'offre ces violettes, Ces lis & ces fleurettes, Et ces roses icy, Ces vermeillettes roses Sont freschement ecloses, Et ces oelliets aussi. De vostre doulce haleine, Eventez ceste plaine Eventez ce sejour; Ce pendant que j'ahanne A mon ble que je vanne A la chaleur du jour. *A graceful translation of this and some other poems of the Pleiad may be found in Ballads and Lyrics of old France, by Mr.

Nina, éventez!" cried she to one of her attendants, who was standing at the head of the sofa with a large feather fan. "Oui, madame," replied the girl, stirring up the dormant atmosphere. "Éventez! Caroline, éventez mes mains, vite." "Oui, madame," replied the second, working away with another fan. "Éventez! éventez mes pieds, Mimi."

Her perfect little figure needed no support; she was simply attired in a muslin robe de chambre, as she reposed upon the ottoman, waiting with all the impatience of her caste for the setting in of the sea-breeze, which would give some relief from the oppressive heat of the climate. "Éventez!

Nina, eventez!" cried she to one of her attendants, who was standing at the head of the sofa, with a large feather fan. "Oui, madame," replied the girl, stirring up the dormant atmosphere. "Eventez! Caroline, eventez mes mains, vite." "Oui, madame," replied the second, working away with another fan. "Eventez! eventez mes pieds, Mimi."