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I started immediately, intending afterwards to visit Dr Cazalla, as also the house in which Senor Monteverde and Dona Dolores had been residing, although I did not expect to find any of them. As I was proceeding along the streets, I saw an old black man. His only clothing was a broad-brimmed hat, and a pair of loose drawers fastened round his waist by a girdle, to which was hung his manchette.

"Mimi," repeated Newton, with a smile and nod of his head. "Moi Charlotte." "Moi Louise." "Moi Celeste." "Moi Nina." "Moi Caroline." "Moi Manchette." "Et moi Cupidon," finished the little black boy, running up, and then retreating as fast back into his corner. Newton repeated all the names, as the individuals respectively introduced themselves to him.

The army had crossed by a ford lower down, where the water was shallow and the current slight. Here it was of great depth, and the banks of considerable height. As I looked at the slight structure, however, it appeared to me incapable of bearing more than the weight of a single man, while a few cuts with a manchette would have sent it into the torrent below.

"Éventail," repeated Newton, who began to be amused, and who now repeated every French word after them. "Flaçon," said Charlotte, showing him the eau-de-Cologne bottle. "Chaise," cried Louise, holding up a chair. "Livre," said Nina, pointing to a book. "Mouchoir," said Caroline, holding up an embroidered handkerchief. "Montre," followed up Manchette, pointing to her mistress's watch.

On their heads they wore large straw hats, while their bodies were covered by a cloak made of rushes, which served to keep out both the heat and the rain. Their legs were bare, but their feet were protected by sandals, to which were fastened spurs of huge dimensions. Each man carried by his left side a long manchette, or sword-knife, secured to his girdle.

I had, as a sportsman should, reloaded my gun before moving. The only weapon Manoel possessed, besides the manchette at his girdle, was his sharp-pointed staff, not calculated for an encounter with so powerful a beast. The jaguar, having seen the turkey fall, crept on to seize it. I advanced as rapidly as I dared, keeping my gun ready for instant use.

The jaguar, however, was probably not very hungry, for before he could use his manchette, or his friends come up, the creature bounded off, leaving the hunter with the top of his ear torn away, and an ugly scratch on his head. Still the old Indian was of opinion that the jaguar seldom attacks human beings unless first molested by them.

At the bottom of the trench we laid a stout log, in which was firmly fixed my manchette, its sharp point upward. We then filled up the trench with soft sand, and retired to the place of vantage which I had occupied the previous day, and from which we could see the crocodile make his evening raid.

But she had not quitted the room before Madame de Fontanges had changed her mind. "Attendez, Manchette. Ce n'est pas ça. Je voudrais de limonade. Charlotte, va l'en chercher." "Oui, madame," said Charlotte, leaving the room to execute the order. "Ah, mon Dieu! qu'il fait une chaleur épouvantable. "Mimi, que tu es paresseuse? Eventez! vite, vite. " est Monsieur?" "Monsieur dort."

We watched him with bated breath, and Sylvia, who now, for the first time, began to understand the trap I had set, could hardly contain her excitement. When the crocodile came to the sand-pit we had dug on the road he sank down, when the sharp blade of the manchette entered his breast, and as he dashed forward, rove him to the navel, so that he died on the spot in the greatest agony.