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"There was the barrel of flour she got with the money you give her, and not another airthly thing in the house to eat but some salt and about a peck of potatoes." "Did Mr. Bowen know this morning there was so little?" "Sartinly; but I believe he'd starve afore he'd let on; he kinder looks to the Lord for his pervisions, and he thinks it's a poor sort of faith to ask human beings.

'I've got a team and a wagon out here, I s'ze, 'and pervisions too, but I've got the means to pay for a warm bite, I s'ze, 'and if you can't accommodate me, I s'pose there's other neighbors that can." "You shouldn't told him you had money and things!" exclaimed Robert, bulging his eyes. "I see that, soon's I done it," returned Zene, shaking a line over the near horse.

I don't want to brag, but thar ain't a man in the Gulch that'll dare molest anythin' aroun' my shanty, an' as thar's plenty of pervisions thar plain, but good yer can't suffer. The spring is close by, an' you'll allers find firewood by the door. An' ef yer want help about anythin', ask the fust man yer see, and say I told yer to." Mrs.

"And who be you?" "I'm a stoodent in Senator Benjamin's law offiss. I'm going up North to steal some spoons and things for the Southern Army." This was satisfactory and the intossicated troopers went orf. At the next station the pretty little Secessher awoke and sed she must git out there. I bid her a kind adoo and giv her sum pervisions. "Accept my blessin and this hunk of ginger bred!" I sed.

And I sez, 'Wot might you ask for this yer house? And he looks at me scornful, and sez, 'Go 'way, old man; you must be sick. And I fetches him one over the left eye, and he apologizes, and I gives him his own price for the house. I stocks that house with mohogany furniture and pervisions, and thar we lives, you and me, Tommy, you and me!" The sun no longer shone upon the hillside.

She could not have said why, perhaps she realized afterward, but she believed him absolutely, implicitly. A fervor of sympathy for his plight, of commiseration, surged up in her heart. "I wisht it war so I could gin ye some pervisions," she sighed, "though ye do 'pear toler'ble triflin' ter lack game." Then the dread secret was told.

I want you to come over and keep house for me and another man. We're living on the old place, and it ain't what you'd call hum sweet hum for two males to live alone in a big house like mine. Thought maybe you wouldn't mind keeping the decks swabbed and the galley full of pervisions if I'd only pay you the same as you're getting here. I'd " "That will be enough!" "Thought maybe 'twould."

"Yes, indeed," said a prayerful voice. "Praise God, it's one of his blessid pervisions to help us bear our crosses." "I don't think the Lord's got much to do with our breaking backs or feet, do you?" asked the one-eyed girl, as we turned to unload a truck.