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Peewee is the melting little lady with the vermilion mouth and the cooing eyes who manicures in a Rialto hotel barber shop. She is the one whose touch is like the cool caress of a snowflake, whose face is as void of guile as the face of the Blessed Damosel. There are others, scissor-Salomes and nail-file Dryads. Mr.

"'No chance, says Butsy. 'All the stalls is took except these new ones, 'n' the guy who furnished the lumber fur 'em won't unlock 'em till he's paid. "I looks at the stalls there's a great big padlock on each door. "'Why don't they slip him the coin? I says. "'You can search me, says Butsy. 'That's what they're chewin' the rag about now. "Me 'n' Peewee slides over to where the crowd is.

"I'm not going to be seasick," retorted Fred. "I wasn't seasick yesterday. I have told you so ten times." Ignoring the protest, George said, "It seems to me it ought to be as easy to adjust the internal workings of Peewee as those of the Black Growler. Perhaps a dose of a similar kind might be good for both."

"Me and Peewee stands a-waitin' fur the street-car fur thirty minutes, then I goes into the freight depot office. "'Is the street-car runnin'? I says to the old gazink at the desk. "'Ye can't rightly call it runnin', he says. 'It ain't been settled yet. Some claims she dun't, some claims she do. Them that claims she dun't is those who've rid on her.

Peewee demanded, regaining his seat after an inglorious tumble. "Four polar bears and a seal," Roy answered; "no sooner said than stung. Our young hero is the camp cut-up. You fellows ought to be glad he won't be up on the hill with you. He's worse than the mosquitoes." "We used to bunk in those cabins on the hill," Peewee said; "there are snakes and things up there. Are you scared of girls?"

"You did me a good turn, all right," Tom said, with simple gratitude in his tone. "But I mean the big brother stuff," his companion said; "I'm not so much of a dabster at that. You're the one for that you're a scoutologist." "A what?" Tom said. "A scout specialist. One who has studied scoutology. You're the one to manage, what's-his-name, Peewee? And that other kid Ray " "Roy," Tom corrected him.

They go back to the farm when the meetin' closes, so I ain't worried none not about where to ship. "One night me 'n' Peewee Simpson is playin' pitch on a bale of hay with a lantern. Butsy Trimble is settin' beside the bale readin' a hoss paper. "'Gimme high, jack, game says Peewee, after a hand. "'I'll give you a poke in the nose! I says. 'What you got fur game?

It leaked out the next day at Mr. Gray's that Dr. Peewee was telegraphing the sexton at random for he did not know where to look for him to close the windows.

Roy Blakeley asked, as he and the others crowded each other off the train at Catskill Landing. "Answer in the positive or negative." "You mean the infirmative," Peewee shouted; "that shows how much you know about rhetoric." "You mean logic," Roy said.

'He's purty nigh through, an' he aims to git out here soon as she'll strike right. He's comin' in his autymobile. "The crowd gives a groan. Burns throws up his hands. "'He'd a damn sight better walk, he says. "The argument sort-a dies down while they're waitin' fur this Harry Evans. "'Come on! Peewee says to me. 'I got to tell Butsy the good news.