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And this is something after the fashion of what Ringan and his weary comrades heard drawled out with fine nasal whine: "This will pe to pe kiving notice to aal it may pe concerning, tat Rory Dhu Mhor of ta Clan Donachy will pe keeping ta crown of ta causeway in ta toun of Tunkel for wan hour and mhore.

A silence followed, for Malcolm's attempt had not had the result he anticipated: he had thought only to make his grandfather laugh. Presently the old man resumed, in the kindest voice: "And tere's another thing, Malcolm, tat's much wanting to you: you'll never pe a man not to speak of a pard like your cranfather if you'll not pe learning to play on ta bagpipes."

The old man thought for a little. "Tat will tepend on who was pe your father, my son," he replied. "If he too will be a Cam'ell ochone! ochone! Put tere may pe some coot plood co into you, more as enough to say God will pe make you, my son. Put don't pe asking, Malcolm. Ton't you 'll pe asking." "What am I no to ask, daddy?" "Ton't pe asking who made you who was ta father to you, my poy.

"Tonal', poy, what iss it that Muster Archie wull pe doin'?" "I think he wull pe takin' the hoose!" They had not time to make further inquiry, for just then the wind changed and blew the flames towards the part of the mansion that had been already burned, giving some hope that the other parts might yet be saved, and calling for the redoubled efforts of all hands.

At present we state a fact. "It will bring up the fush," was Roderick's remark, as he paused in the operation of cleaning harness to look through the stable door on the landscape; "an' that wull please Maister MacRummle." "It will pe good for the gress too, an' that will please Muss Mully," said Donald, now permanently appointed to the stables.

I nefer did pe learning it, yat I nefer haf to say to myself 'What is it she would be saying? when I speak ta Gaelic; put she always has to set ta tead men that is ta vords on their feet, and put tem in pattle array, when she would pe speaking ta dull mechanic English. When she opens her mouth to it, ta Gaelic comes like a spring of pure water, Malcolm. Ta plenty of it must run out.

So she courtesied off poor Duncan, who departed, saying in his secret soul, "Cot tamn her English impudence! she takes possession of the minister's house as an it were her ain and speaks to shentlemens as if they were pounden servants, and per tamned to her! And there's the deer that was shot too but we will send it ower to the Manse, whilk will pe put civil, seeing I hae prought worthy Mrs.

Summons us. Dot shall pe mine egscuse. I shall show him der chudgment." Mme. Cibot went down to the court, and that very day at seven o'clock she called to Schmucke. Schmucke found himself confronted with M. Tabareau the bailiff, who called upon him to pay.

P pe, and those great Ladies who do nothing without him; admit him to their Closets, their Bed-sides, consult him in the choice of their Servents, their Garments, and make no scruple of putting them on or off before him: Every body knows they are Women of strict Virtue, and he a Harmless Creature, who has neither the Will, nor Power of doing any farther Mischief than with his Pen, and that he seldom draws, but in defense of their Beauty; or to second their Revenge against some presuming Prude, who boasts a Superiority of Charms: or in privately transcribing and passing for his own, the elaborate Studies of some more learned Genius."

All the head that I saw the monster possessed of was one of those Hessian canteens which resemble a large snuff-box with a hole in the middle of the lid. "I zay," said he, "you mos pe dronk as de pig, vor zit dare and not zee me zit ere; and I zay, doo, you mos pe pigger vool as de goose, vor to dispelief vat iz print in de print. 'Tiz de troof -dat it iz eberry vord ob it."