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To establish him at Holyrood, or in Dublin, and so to create and perpetuate disunion in Great Britain, was their policy, as far as they had a policy. We may think that Charles was in no position to refuse any assistance, but his reply to Cardinal Tencin, 'Point de partage; tout ou rien, was at least patriotic.

For it hath already appeared, by some speeches past between our ambassador there and Des Pruneaux, that you are had in some jealousy as a hinderer of this French course, and at work for her Majesty to have some entrance and partage in that country. Nevertheless our ambassador; by his answer, hath satisfied them to think the contrary."

Once it was a vaudeville composed expressly in honor of her birthday by the French master, in which I had to sing, with reference to her, the following touching tribute, to a well-known vaudeville tune: "C'est une mère! Qui a les premiers droits sur nos coeurs? Qui partage, d'une ardeur sincère, Et nos plaisirs et nos douleurs? C'est une mère!"

For it hath already appeared, by some speeches past between our ambassador there and Des Pruneaux, that you are had in some jealousy as a hinderer of this French course, and at work for her Majesty to have some entrance and partage in that country. Nevertheless our ambassador; by his answer, hath satisfied them to think the contrary."

J'ignore absolument le nom de l'auteur; mais le style elegant, la precision des informations et quelques details d'opinion que je ne partage pas m'avaient fait supposer que nous devions attribuer a Jurien de la Graviere le travail en question. En tous cas, quelque soit l'auteur, je demande a tous mes amis de lui renvoyer le merite et la responsabilite qui lui appartiennent.

For it hath already appeared, by some speeches past between our ambassador there and Des Pruneaux, that you are had in some jealousy as a hinderer of this French course, and at work for her Majesty to have some entrance and partage in that country. Nevertheless our ambassador; by his answer, hath satisfied them to think the contrary."

She had now been married two months; and her fool began to grow restive; no animal on earth is more restive than a fool: but, confident that Mrs. Nettleby will hold the bridle with a strong hand, we leave her to pull against his hard mouth. "Playzir ne l'est qu'autant qu'on le partage."

You have now seen the celebrated Madame de Boufflers. I dare say you could in that short time perceive that she is agreeable, but I dare say too that you will agree with me that vivacity is by no means the partage of the French bating the étourderie of the mousquetaires and of a high-dried petit-maítre or two, they appear to me more lifeless than Germans.

"It was I who was reading, mamma," said Isabella, pointing to the place over Mad. de Rosier's shoulder Une femme douce et sage A toujours tant d'avantage! Elle a pour elle en partage L'agrement, et la raison." "Isabella," said Mrs. Harcourt, from whom a scarcely audible sigh had escaped "Isabella really reads French almost as well as she does English."

"Au second endroit la pierre puante fait un filon, ou si l'on veut, une couche ou bande verticale, qui partage la montagne en deux parties presqu'égales de l'épaisseur de trois aunes