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"Another glorious day!" he remarked. "What news from Leeds?" "None," she said. "My husband seldom writes." Sir Leslie smiled reflectively, and glanced towards the pile of papers at his side. "Perhaps," she remarked, "you know better than I do how things are going there." He shook his head. "I have no correspondents in Leeds," he answered.

"Yes; and it is ten times more necessary to keep the lower orders down, in a republic like this, where they are always trying to rise, than it is in a monarchy, where they always keep their place," said the lady arrogantly. "What have you there?" inquired Herman, with a view of changing the disagreeable subject. "The English papers. The foreign mail is in.

I nodded very intelligently at intervals, to show my recognition of the inevitableness of it all; and so an end was reached of that stage in our conversation. In the slight pause which followed Arncliffe touched a spring releasing the door of a cabinet apparently designed to hold State Papers of the highest importance, and disclosed some beautiful boxes of cigars and other creature comforts.

He added in a low tone, winking at Risler: "I have the papers." "The papers?" echoed Risler, in a bewildered tone. "The estimates," whispered the actor. Thereupon, with a great show of discretion, he withdrew within himself, and resumed the reading of his documents, his head in his hands and his fingers in his ears.

"She's gonna stick." "She must. Hell, yes. Those papers of Luke's are forged. I know they are." "So does everybody else," put in Tom Loudon, "but if something don't turn up damn quick " He broke off, shaking a dubious head. "Something will," declared Racey, making his bluff a second time with an air of supreme confidence. "You know something, Racey," prodded Mr.

"I began to look about me. I saw that there were papers posted on the walls. They were those proclamations, you know, of Rodziancko's new government, saying that while everything was unsettled, Milyukoff, Rodziancko, and the others would take charge in order to keep order and discipline. It seemed to me that there was little need to talk about discipline.

It was mostly clipping things from other papers, but I used to write the paragraph under the fashion drawings, and sometimes I went out to the big department stores to look for interesting new fads and fashions for women. Three times I wrote short articles, so you see I actually appeared in print. Kathleen made me take half of her room, and so my board wasn't very expensive.

He came out here several years ago, and went into the grain and commission business. He's a banker now. A rather shrewd man, I should say. He has a lot of money." "Is it true, as the papers say, that he failed for a million in Philadelphia in 1871?" "In so far as I know, it is." "Well, was he in the penitentiary down there?" "I think so yes. I believe it was for nothing really criminal, though.

I had also the feeling that I had a great many things to do, and could not possibly get them done in so short a space of time as one day. I hurried through breakfast. I hurried through the papers. And then I realized with a sense of anti-climax that until four o'clock, when I was to ride with Lucy, I had but one thing of any possible importance to do.

It is somewhat peculiar that he should begin by making a statement about one of the most honored names in American Methodism, a statement that has been published in the papers, and that nine tenths of this body knew as well as he did. It must have been intended as a part of his argument, and I regard it as of as much force as anything he said after it.