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In truth, the sharp-edged breath of persecution he had encountered this morning, while paining him, had braced him to high endeavour. The Catholic Church, so he argued, must indeed be a mighty and living power since men fear her so much.

'I haven't slept a wink, and I find it's the same with you, he said, paining her with his distressed kind eyes. 'I ought not to have hinted anything last night without proofs. Austin's as unhappy as I am. 'At what, my dear papa, at what? cried Cecilia. 'I ride over to Steynham this morning, and I shall bring you proofs, my poor child, proofs. That foreign tangle of his...

"But the time must have seemed long in the dark and all by yourselves." "Oh, we didn't mind being by ourselves, not a bit, and we never quarrelled once. But, ma , yes, it was dark, and so still. I could hear Phil's heart beat when I couldn't see him." "You both look as if you had been seeing ghosts. Is it that your arm is paining you, Phil, mon gars?" "Hardly at all. Carette saw to it." "Bien!

These gifts Caroline could not refuse without paining her young friend. She took them reluctantly, for, to do her justice, Caroline, though ambitious, was not mean. Thus time passed in the rectory, in gay variety and constant entertainment; and all things combined to spoil the heiress, if, indeed, goodness ever is spoiled by kindness and prosperity.

"I know you think him a fool." Then mother burst out, "Oh, my child," she said, "before it is too late, do be persuaded by me to give up this whole thing. I shrink from paining or offending you, but it is my duty, as your mother, to warn you against a marriage that will make shipwreck of your happiness." "Marriage!" I fairly shrieked out. That is the last thing I have ever thought of.

How mercifully God has dealt with us! I have been very seedy for a few days, and am so still. In spite of two teeth taken out a fortnight ago, my whole jaw has been paining me much, heavy cold, and I can't get good sleep by reason of the pain, and I want sleep much. I think I must go to the dentist again. You see we hope to sail in ten days or so, and I want to be well.

Circumstances which will try you to the quick, spare me the ungracious necessity of paining a man who has lived in friendly intimacy under the same roof with myself by any humiliating reference to matters of rank and station. You must leave Limmeridge House, Mr. Hartright, before more harm is done.

The happiness of my visit has been due to you entirely." "Indeed," said Gertrude, wincing as all the hard things Trefusis had told her of herself came into her mind at the heels of Erskine's unfortunate allusion to her power of enjoying herself. "I hope I am not paining you," he said earnestly. "I don't know what you are talking about," she said, standing erect with sudden impatience.

Instinctively I felt that I should prepare for the worst, but I cudgelled my brain for specious arguments to make myself believe he had survived, and went on hoping. My feet had been paining me all day. I tried to take off my socks, but blood clots held them fast to the raw flesh. The fact was, they had been frozen.

Stodger demanded, in deep perplexity. "Why should everything that happens in this house be pulled off there?" Why indeed? "Let's go back there and try to find out," I returned, stiffly, for my cheek was paining under the mass of plaster that Stodger had piled upon it.