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The autumn faded from gold to grey, and the winter came and laid the earth to sleep, and then followed spring to awaken it once more. None troubled us at Pagliano, and we began with some justice to consider ourselves secure.

And three days later there came another to Pagliano, bidden thither by the Duke, and this other was none else than my cousin Cosimo, who now called himself Lord of Mondolfo, having been invested in that tyranny, as I have said. On the morning after his arrival we met upon the terrace. "My saintly cousin!" was his derisive greeting. "And yet another change in you out of sackcloth into velvet!

"Will Messer Cosimo tell your excellency under what circumstances the Lord of Pagliano died?" I cried. "It is yourself should be better able to inform the Court of that," answered Cosimo quickly, "since he died at Pagliano after you had borne his daughter thither, as we have proof." Gonzaga looked at him sharply.

Zeuxis Choosing Models from among the Beauties of Kroton for his Picture of Helen After the painting by E. Pagliano. Homer From the bust in the National Museum, Naples. Demosthenes From the statue in the Vatican, Rome. It is my object in this book on the old Pagan civilizations to present the salient points only, since an exhaustive work is impossible within the limits of these volumes.

"Read!" he bade me again, with a fierce gesture. And accounting him well warned by now, I read with confidence. It was a papal brief ordering me under pain of excommunication and death to make surrender to Cosimo d'Anguissola of the Castle of Pagliano which I traitorously held, and of the person of his wife, Madonna Bianca.

In any case, her advice was sound; and perhaps, as she said, the removal of Bianca quietly might be the means of helping Pier Luigi's unwelcome visit to an end. Indeed, it was so. It was Bianca who held him at Pagliano, as the blindest idiot should have perceived. That very night I would seek out Cavalcanti ere I retired to sleep.

"Whither am I to go?" I cried. "What place is there in all the world for me? I am an outcast. My very home is held against me. Whither, then, shall I go?" "If that is all that troubles you," said Galeotto, his tone unctuously humorous, "why we will ride to Pagliano." I leapt at the word literally leapt to my feet, and stared at him with blazing eyes. "Why, what ails him now?" quoth he.

My Lord Pier Luigi Farnese had been on a visit to his city of Parma, and on his return journey had thought well to turn aside into the lands of ultra-Po, and pay a visit to the Lord of Pagliano, whom he did not love, yet whom, perhaps, it may have been his intention to conciliate, since hurt him he could not.

"Can you count on none?" asked Gonzaga, very serious, stroking his smooth, fat chin. "I can count upon one," answered Galeotto. "The Lord of Pagliano; he is ghibelline to the very marrow, and he belongs to me. At my bidding there is nothing he will not do. There is an old debt between us, and he is a noble soul who will not leave his debts unpaid. Upon him I can count; and he is rich and powerful.

That woman, it seems, could not quite dehumanize him." And he came down heavily, to ask Falcone what news he bore. The old equerry drew a letter from under his leathern jacket. "From Ferrante?" quoth the Lord of Pagliano eagerly, peering over Galeotto's shoulder. "Ay," said Galeotto, and he broke the seal. He stood to read, with knitted brows.