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One who expects to get to heaven by pious observances and church-goings on the Sabbath, without being over-particular as to the morality of his conduct through the week." "Morality! do you pretend to say that I am an immoral man?" said Rowley, with much heat. "Don't get into a passion!" returned Lane, coolly. "That will not help us at all in this grave matter."

He could tell, merely by glancing at a rise in the roadway, whether a slow, steady pull was needed, or if the time had come to stick in his toe-calks and throw all of his two thousand pounds on the collar. He had learned not to fret himself into a lather about strange noises, and not to be over-particular as to the kind of company in which he found himself working.

Nor were they over-particular about the combat taking the form of a duel almost any form was good enough. I made their acquaintance by chance and cultivated it for the pleasure it gave me.

"Oh, but then they are no better than cannibals," he answered. "Wait a little till we are pressed for want of food," I said. "Remember our stock of provisions is but small, and if we were to be over-particular, we should starve." The monkey, however, by his intervention escaped. We went on for some time, gradually entering a denser part of the forest than we had yet reached.

Are there any of them left nowadays people who have no real heart-hold of Christianity, but are fiercely antagonistic to supposed destroyers of its externals, and not over-particular to the evidence against them? These mockers thought that Christ's being fastened to the Cross was a reductio ad absurdum of His claim to build the Temple.

Our cows ain't so over-particular about that sheep smell, but if we poor cowboys has got to breathe sheep and eat sheep and spit up sheep every time we brand, it's crowdin' hospitality pretty strong. But if they want grub or clothes or tabac, go to it and see if you can't keep 'em off the upper range."

It was quite by accident that Peter Rabbit first heard of Miser the Trade Rat. You know how it is with Peter; he is forever using those big ears of his to learn interesting things. That is what ears are for; but there is a right way and a wrong way to use them, and I am afraid that Peter isn't always over-particular in this respect.

He had not to pronounce upon her syntax, or her social quality; it was enough for him, in behalf of the Claxons, to find her what she professed to be. "You must think," he said, laughing, "that we are over-particular; but the fact is that we value Clementina rather highly, and we wish to be sure that your hospitable offer will be for her real good." "Of cou'se," said Mrs. Lander.

"That devout spouse of our Lord pretended that I could not play that instrument without assuming an indecent position." At this the Spanish guests bit their lips, but the Frenchmen laughed heartily, and did not spare their epigrams against the over-particular abbess. After a short silence, Henriette rose, and we all followed her example.

The wood-measurer measured the wood carefully, turning each log and placing it exactly, that there might not be a crevice anywhere. "Why are you so over-particular to-day, pray?" asked Christopher, and he received for answer: "Professor Gellert must have a fair load; every shaving kept back from him were a sin."