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We did n't git all the critters rounded up, as we wus in a hurry, an' they wus scattered some 'cause of a hard winter. So I come back yere to round up the rest o' ther bunch." "And brand a few outsiders." He grinned. "Maybe I was n't over-particular, but anyhow I got a thousand head together by the last o' June, an' hit the trail with 'em. Then hell sure broke loose.

We soon had it skinned and roasted; and Tim was surprised to find it far more palatable than he had expected. "We shall not starve if we keep our wits awake," I said; "but we must not be over-particular as to what we eat." Again we pushed on. I remembered the cabbage-palm, and determined to climb the first tree of the kind we met with to obtain a cabbage.

In writing the first scene of the "Second Part of Henry IV.," his mind was evidently crossed by the shade of some over-particular dandy, whose fastidious nicety as to the set of his garments he had failed to satisfy; for he makes Northumberland compare himself to a man who, "Impatient of his fit, breaks like a fire Out of his keeper's arms."

But these were all prize birds; and, on inquiry, Libbie heard, with some little sinking at heart, that their price ran from one to two guineas. "I'm not over-particular as to shape and colour," said she, "I should like a good singer, that's all!" She dropped a little in Emanuel's estimation. However, he showed her his good singers, but all were above Libbie's means.

But these people seemed to thrive, as our ancestors all did, and probably regarded us as over-particular. To fill in the interval of waiting, we made an excursion to the heart of the town, and visited the pretty public garden overhanging the river, and noteworthy for its superb dahlias.

Sylvia wondered if the Count were not over-particular. Was Lacville the sort of place in which a woman could not walk a few yards by herself? It looked such a happy, innocent sort of spot. "Perhaps I do not make myself clear," went on Count Paul. He spoke very quickly, and in a low voice, for they were now approaching the door of the Casino.

He knew him to have been a brutal, domineering man, unscrupulous in politics, to whom woman was either a temporary toy or a stepping-stone, not over-particular whether she was a dairy-maid or an Austrian princess; in fact, a rascal, but a great, incentive, splendid, courageous one, the kind which nature calls forth every score of years to purge her breast of the petty rascals, to the benefit of mankind in general.

These same hands that look so white and well-kept as he stands by his easel in the full glare of the gas-jets, had been his sole reliance during these days of toil and suffering. They had provided all the bread that had gone into his mouth, and every stitch of clothes that had covered his back. And they had not been over-particular as to how they had accomplished it nor at what hours or places.

I have done some roughing it in my time, and I am not over-particular, but I admit that it was rather a shock to meet the turkey itself again, more especially as it was the sole item of the menu. There was no doubt of its identity, as it was short of a leg, and half the breast had been shaved away. The aunt must have read my thoughts in my face.

All I want for myself is a place to sleep and a bite to eat I'm not over-particular what it is and clothes to wear, good clothes, too but I don't give a hang for motor cars except to go long distances in when there are no trains running."