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Feeling discouraged and rebellious was not of much use, that was one of Vagabondia's earliest learned lessons. And what good was there in making Mollie miserable? So she plucked up spirit and began to talk, and, to her credit be it said, succeeded in being fairly amusing, and made Mollie laugh outright half a dozen times during the remainder of her short stay. It was only a short stay, however.

Only Heaven's mercy kept her from swooning outright, for she knew Jasper Wilde would recognize her as soon as he came abreast of her. This proved to be the case. "Bernardine Moore!" he shouted, hardly believing he had seen aright. For one moment of time he was taken so completely by surprise that he was quite incapable of action, and in that moment Bernardine's horse was many rods past him.

"Oh, please don't jest. She must have this money." "She may have it on those terms. I'll have no business dealings with women of the Polly Roberts sort. That would be the last I'd ever see of the twenty thousand " "I never thought you were stingy!" Ruyler, in spite of his tearing anxiety, laughed outright. "Is that your idea of how the indulgent American husband becomes rich?"

I laughed outright. May I be forgiven for the boast, but I had the reputation at school of a pleasant laugh. The young man's face grew dark at the sound; he pushed back his plate and sighed. "Why," continued his friend, "my companion here, who, I suppose, is about your own age, he could tell you what a play is, he could tell you what life is.

"Oh, indeed!" exclaimed her chum. "Well, Nan Sherwood, I don't think anybody's thought to milk the cow this morning." "Oh, be good, Bess," Nan admonished her. The pup began to whimper again. "Come on; let's find the man." The girls ventured farther forward. When they opened the door of the car at that end, Bess screamed outright. "Why! it's a tunnel, Nan," she ejaculated. "Do you see?"

The matter of jealousy is small and private; so is the matter of love. But, Master, you have not told me outright whether you love the lady Quilla, and, what is more important, whether she loves you." "Then I will tell you now. I do and she does." "You love the lady Quilla and she says that she loves you, which may or may not be true, or if true to-day may be false to-morrow.

You must not laugh outright: it is vulgar. You must smile. You must not dash rapidly across the room: you must glide. There is a round of bows, and grins, and flatteries, and oh's! and ah's! and simperings, and namby-pambyism a world of which is not worth one good, round, honest peal of laughter.

I refrained, however, from firing till the lion had approached nearer, for should I not kill him outright, he might, in spite of the fire, rush towards us. On he came roaring, but slowly, afraid of the flames. Once more he stopped. He dared not face them. Greatly to my relief, he then turned round and moved off, roaring furiously.

They used to frighten me almost out of my senses. Once we thought they would set fire to the whole city, murder the people and drink their blood! O, such a savage set you never saw!" Hal laughed outright. "Shoot the men, strangle the women, and swallow the children alive!" he echoed, mockingly. "It is no subject for jesting, Mr. Hal Delancey. Philadelphia is not the only place.

With this prospect the capitalists owning the properties were naturally not particularly desirous of taking national bonds for them which would have been the natural form of compensation had they been bought outright.