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She had spent much time in her search for this very Cardi, and might have learned something of value concerning him. Oliveta, too, could be of assistance. He felt sure that the knowledge of his own peril would be enough to enlist their aid, and he gladly seized upon the thought that a common interest would draw him closer to the woman he loved.

This afternoon Vittoria had received a message from Myra Nell, requesting, or rather demanding, her immediate attendance. She had gone gladly, hoping to divert her mind from its present anxieties; but the girl had talked of little except Norvin Blake and the effect had not been calming. Oliveta soon discovered that her sister was in a state to receive rather than give consolation.

"Then Oliveta has made some progress?" he asked, eagerly. "Yes." "Good! Poor girl, it must be terribly hard for her to play such a part." "No one knows how hard it has been. You would not recognize her, she has changed so. Her love, for which we were so deeply thankful, has turned into bitter hate.

"Good-by, for a few days." He pressed his lips lightly to her fingers. Late one day, a fortnight after her visit to Blake's office, Vittoria returned from a call upon Myra Nell Warren, to find Oliveta in a high state of apprehension. The girl, who had evidently kept watch for her, met her at the door, and inquired, nervously: "What news? What have you heard?" "Nothing further, sorella mia."

Thus far Vittoria and her companion had seen and heard all that occurred, for their position commanded a view of both fronts of the building; but now they had only their ears to guide them. "Come, let us leave now! We have seen enough." Vittoria cried, and strove to drag Oliveta from her post.

We came South in answer to the call of our blood, and I took up a work of love instead of hate, while Oliveta found a new interest in this man, who was wonderful and strong and fierce in his devotion to her. I attained to that peace for which I had prayed. Then, when I was nearly ready for my vows, my foster sister learned of Gian Narcone and came to me.

You have purposely barred the way to your fairy prince, and will continue sleeping." Vittoria's brow showed faint lines, but whether of pain or annoyance it was hard to tell. Oliveta sighed. "What evil fortune overhangs us that we should be denied love!" "Please! Let us speak no more of it." She turned her face away and for a long time her companion soothed her with silent ministrations.

"Deep in your heart, do you hope to find peace inside the walls of that hospital?" "Yes peace, at least; perhaps contentment and happiness also." "That is impossible," said Oliveta, at which Vittoria's hazel eyes flew open. "Eh? Why not?" "Because you love this Signore Blake!" "Oliveta! You are losing your wits." "Perhaps! But I have not lost my eyes. As for him, he loved you even in Sicily."

Later, clad in a loose silken robe, Vittoria flung herself upon the low couch and her companion let down her luxuriant masses of hair until it enveloped her like a cloud. She lay back upon the cushions in grateful relaxation, while Oliveta combed and brushed the braids, soothing her with an occasional touch of cool palms or straying fingers.

I knew that the Mafia would have your life unless you crushed it, and in a sense I was responsible for your danger. It seemed my duty to help break up this accursed brotherhood, much as I wished that the work might fall to other hands. Oliveta was eager for the struggle, and while she fought for her vengeance, I I fought to save you." "You did this for me!" he cried, falteringly. "Yes.