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He accepted it, and as he read the name it bore he gave me a quick glance of respect mingled with pleased surprise. "The Conte Cesare Oliva!" he exclaimed. "I esteem myself most fortunate to have met you!

"You see now," I went on, "where the wealth of the supposed Count Oliva came from. I found this treasure hidden here on the night of my burial little did I think then what dire need I should have for its usage! It has served me well; it is not yet exhausted; the remainder is at your service!" At these words she rose from her knees and stood upright.

He lifted his right hand, which hitherto he had kept concealed by his side, and Oliva shut her eyes and felt deathly sick. "Right index digit and part of the phalanges shot away," said Milsom philosophically. "That was my trigger-finger but he shot first. Give me a drink!" They brought him a bottle of wine, and he drank it from a long tumbler in two great breathless gulps.

"Wait, wait," stammered the professor, "if Mr. Peale will permit " He shuffled forward, but Beale had turned the latch and opened the door wide. Standing in the entrance was a girl whom he had no difficulty in recognizing as Hilda Glaum, sometime desk companion of Oliva Cresswell. His back was to the light and she did not recognize him.

The Bishop of Plosko gave him a grand repast, near the Abbey of Oliva. Marege, a Gascon gentleman of the Prince's suite, was present, but had been ill. There was drinking in the Polish fashion, and he tried to be let off.

My title to the liquidation of my claim is proved by the testimony of the Herren von Varnhagen and Oliva, to whom H.H. spoke on the subject, reiterating his consent. I feel convinced that the illustrious heirs and family of this prince will in the same spirit of benevolence and generosity strive to fulfil his intentions.

He strolled past the grill-hidden desk which had once held Oliva Cresswell, and saw out of the tail of his eye a stranger in her place and by her side the darkly taciturn Hilda Glaum. Mr. White, that pompous man, greeted him strangely. As the police chief came into the private office Mr. White half-rose, turned deadly pale and became of a sudden bereft of speech.

The girl is of an age when she can do as she wishes, and as I understand the matter you have no legal status as a guardian." "None," said James Kitson, "that is our weak point. I am merely the custodian of her money. Officially I am supposed to be ignorant of the fact that Oliva Cresswell is Oliva Prédeaux, the heiress." "Therefore our hands are tied," concluded Beale quietly.

He had spent every farthing that had been allowed for his journey as a reward for the majestic and solemn manner in which he had maintained his assumed character of father. M. Andrea at his departure inherited all the papers which proved that he had indeed the honor of being the son of the Marquis Bartolomeo and the Marchioness Oliva Corsinari.

Jake decided to tell him about Oliva. He was now convinced that Don Sebastian knew more than he admitted and that his interest was not unfriendly. Besides, there was somehow a hint of authority in the fellow's thin, dark face. He showed polite attention as Jake narrated the events that had led to Oliva's dismissal, but the lad imagined that he was telling him nothing he had not already heard.