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Then with great difficulty they undressed him, and he lay on the bed pale and motionless till the doctor arrived. On examination, it was found that the arm was terribly bruised, but not broken. There were, however, other injuries also, though not of a serious character, which Frank had sustained in his perilous climbing to the rescue of Mary Oliphant.

Mark felt no embarrassment in genuflecting to salute him; the action was spontaneous and was not dictated by any ritualistic indulgence. Dr. Oliphant, as he might have guessed from the anger with which his appointment had been received, was in outward semblance all that a prelate should be. "Why do you want to be a priest?" the Bishop asked him abruptly.

Captain Oliphant was not at hand that evening to meet the doctors. A business engagement had summoned him to Maxfield, where he rejoiced the hearts of his two children by a sudden arrival at breakfast-time. A curt note from Armstrong the same afternoon apprised him that his movements had been anticipated. "Doctors not without hope. Admirable nurse secured. Brandram and I remain here."

In March 1610, Oliphant having again gone abroad, Heron expressed his readiness to restore the goods, except the trunk and bags, which he had given to the English Privy Council, who restored them to Robert Oliphant. The brother of Robert, Oliphant of Bauchiltoun, represented him in his absence, and, in 1611, Robert got some measure of restitution from Heron. We know no more of Mr. Robert Oliphant.

After a time she bade Nancy Banister "good night" and went off to her own room to study the notes she had taken that morning at the French lecture. The next few days passed without anything special occurring. If a little rumor were already beginning to swell in the air, it scarcely reached the ears of those principally concerned. Maggie Oliphant continued to make a special favorite of Miss Peel.

If there was a will already in the house, in that old davenport, what then? Would Shapless get the money? She grew keen in speculation. To leave her in the lurch, to give it all to that greasy Shapless, would be the most natural trick in the world for an incisive old fellow like Oliphant. It was too much! She cried a little, and she began to hate the helpless man upstairs.

The time would have been passed at least in comfort, and perhaps in contentment; and Colonel Murphy and Major Oliphant would have had leisure more than sufficient for solving the most abstruse problems of the chess-board.

"I have lost the right clew to the full sense of this passage see! Can you give it to me?" Maggie sat down at once, took up the book, glanced her eyes over the difficult words and translated them with ease. "How lovely!" said Prissie, clasping her hands and giving herself up to a feeling of enjoyment. "Don't stop, Maggie, please; do read some more!" Miss Oliphant smiled.

You see everybody is sure not to come, so there'll be plenty to go round." "Didn't Mr Rusk ask what they were for?" inquired Jill. "I said Mr Oliphant presented his kind regards, and would be glad to have the things sharp." Next morning, greatly to the delight of the hospitable pair, the herrings came up in a basket, addressed privately to Miss Jill.

He countersigned the balance-sheet, and went out of his way to thank Captain Oliphant for taking so much of the labour as to save both him and Mrs Ingleton a great deal of time. "Thank you," said the captain drily; "a compliment from Signor Francisco is worth receiving. But it is uncalled-for. Good afternoon, sir." Mr Armstrong flushed, and screwed his glass violently in his eye.