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She may be a Queen Elizabeth, and conquer a Spanish Armada, but she will never conquer the heart, nor be recognized as a model of female character. She is to be the mother of her race. This fixes the sphere of her duties in the home. Think of Helen Olcott, the wife of Rums Choate; of the first Mrs. Webster, and of her influence upon that man who won the proud appellation, "The Great Expounder."

"Well, if you will let Miss Olcott cut off all that ugly green hair, and give the pretty curls a chance to grow back, I'll give you let's see, what shall I give you?" "A doll-buggy an' dishes," suggested Europena, who was standing by. "Yes," he said, "doll-buggy and dishes, and a dollar besides!" Such munificence was not to be withstood.

Olcott, I haven't got much money, but I'll put up every cent I have on your marksmanship, and I beg you, as a favor, to go with me on Saturday and give me a chance to win that bet, for I need it, as I am engaged to a girl up at Ranchman's Rest, whom I want to marry just as soon as I can get money enough ahead to build a little home for her." "All right. Tom. I'll help you out.

You just take good care of that money and don't use it except for necessities. How are the cattle on your place?" "Mr. Olcott, they are the finest cattle I ever saw in my life. You would he astounded to see how they have picked up flesh. The ranchman that we bought them from must have had very poor ranges for them to feed on."

Upon the death of Colonel Olcott, the President Founder of Theosophy, in 1907, Mrs. Besant became his successor. So far as the Indian vote was concerned, this was a foregone conclusion; since her avowed sympathy with Hinduism in all its forms had gained for her a strong place in the Hindu heart.

The next morning at 8 o'clock, when the iceman called, the cook told him that Miss Coulson wanted to see him in the basement. "Well, ain't I the Olcott and Depew; not mentioning the first name at all?" said the iceman, admiringly, of himself. As a concession he rolled his sleeves down, dropped his icehooks on a syringa and went back.

"They are very hard to hit," remarked Terry, "and only a good marksman can hit one of them on the wing." "Mr. Olcott, I have read in the papers about you and Mr. Fearnot being the best marksmen in the country. Couldn't you kill one of them?" "Yes, easily, and if you want a wing to place in your hat I will procure it for you." "I would like to have one so that I could examine the feathers."

The list of questions is given in the synopsis appended to the admirable and helpful report contributed by the chief of the children's department in Pittsburgh. Miss Frances Jenkins Olcott, Pittsburgh After ten years of experience we find our most difficult question of discipline arises when the older boys and girls come into the library.

Even to-day, the occult theosophy of "Isis Unveiled," and of the school of writers such as Blavatsky, Olcott, etc., seems to be a perfectly logical product of the Northern Buddhisms, and may be called one of them; yet it is simply a repetition of what took place centuries ago.

Of course, the Olcott and Hamilton families were greatly surprised. Fred explained to Evelyn that he and Terry had succeeded in their deals down in Wall Street and had almost recovered from their losses caused by failure of the Texas bank, and that they were thinking of going back down to Texas to look after their new ranch and to try to add another thousand head of cattle to their herd.