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And it was that fellow, that stupid, clumsy, base compound of meanness and malice, that had ruled like a king among them. Faugh! "They call your name! Do you know anything of this?" "No!" said Brigson; "I'll swear I'd nothing to do with it." "Oh-h-h-h!" the long, intense, deep-drawn expression of disgust and contempt ran round the room. "You have told me a lie!" said Mr.

"I am here," said the Prophet, speaking in a voice that might well have issued from a statue. "Where is he?" roared Sir Tiglath. "Where is he? Oh-h-h-h!" "Sir Tiglath means Malkiel," explained Lady Enid. "He is most anxious to meet him." "Why?" said the Prophet, still in the same inhuman voice.

She doesn't look Italian, either." "Oh, you must have heard of her," said Mrs. Proudie. "No, she's not absolutely Italian. She is Dr. Stanhope's daughter Dr. Stanhope the prebendary and she calls herself the Signora Neroni." "Oh-h-h-h!" exclaimed the countess. "I was sure you had heard of her," continued Mrs. Proudie. I don't know anything about her husband.

"'Well, then, says I, 'it ought to be plain to you. Wanted, in New York, J. Churchill Wahrfield, president of the Republic Insurance Company. "'Also the funds belonging to said company, now in that grip, in the unlawful possession of said J. Churchill Wahrfield. "'Oh-h-h-h! says the young lady, as if she was thinking, 'you want to take us back to New York? "'To take Mr. Wahrfield.

Such beliefs were not uncommon at the time, and although Peleg had never shared in the superstitions of the more ignorant people, nevertheless the mystery of the terrifying sounds, as well as the expression of Schoolmaster Hargrave's face, caused even the young hunter to hesitate. "What is it, Master Hargrave?" he shouted, for the uproar still continued. "Oh-h-h-h! Help me! Help me!"

He gave the poor, afflicted liar tenderly into the care of the upper housemaid, and retraced his steps quickly to the drawing-room. As he entered it he heard Sir Tiglath saying, "The stars in their courses tremble when the accursed name of Malkiel is mentioned, and the old astronomer is dissolved in wrath at sound of the pernicious word. Oh-h-h-h!" "There, Hennessey!" cried Mrs.

"Oh-h-h-h," groaned Jacob, as the boat rocked, and the trees rocked, and the white dresses and the white flannel trousers drew out long and wavering up the bank. "Oh-h-h-h!" He sat up, and felt as if a piece of elastic had snapped in his face. "They're friends of my mother's," said Durrant. "So old Bow took no end of trouble about the boat." And this boat had gone from Falmouth to St.

Nora turned and looked at her without a word. Miss Pringle was genuinely startled at the drawn look on her face. "Nora! What's the matter? Isn't it as much as you thought?" "Miss Wickham has left me nothing," said Nora in a dead voice. Miss Pringle gave a positive wail of anguish. "Oh-h-h-h." "Not a penny. Oh, it's cruel!" the girl said, almost wildly.

What would be the good? I suppose she must marry him now?" "Of course she must." "And be wretched all her life. Oh-h-h-h!" and he muttered a deep groan. "I'll tell you what it is, Crofts. He is going to take the sweetest girl out of this country that ever was in it, and he don't deserve her." "I don't think she can be compared to her sister," said Crofts slowly.

"Where is Shaftesbury Avenue?" asked Lady Enid, gently folding a fragment of thin bread and butter and nibbling it with her pretty mouth. Sir Tiglath elevated his hands and rolled his eyes. "Where partridges are to be found in January, oh-h-h-h!" was his very unexpected reply. The Prophet started violently, and even Lady Enid looked disconcerted for a moment.