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The Federal commander at Danville was ordered to keep a close watch on the house of Judge Pennington to see if it was not visited by his son. It was on the evening of May 2d, and Calhoun was in Lexington when he was startled by hearing the news-boys crying, “Pulaski, Tennessee, captured by John Morgan!” “He is headed north, closely pursued by the Federal forces!”

She would lose her high position and the respect of her friends; the newspapers would publish her shame to the world, pointing her out by name as the depraved woman who had betrayed her husband and driven him to murder and suicide; they would have her portrait in their columns; her name and crime would be hawked upon the street by loud-crying news-boys; sermons denouncing her would be preached in all the churches; her shame would be discussed everywhere in homes, shops, hotels, and bar-rooms in many cities.

He held up a quarter of a dollar between his thumb and finger, and, looking at his companions, said, "You know Simpson, the pawnbroker?" "Yes." "He is a friend in need, but here is a friend indeed!" and the bright silver dropped, jingling, into his bank. Those news-boys all of them possess more than ordinary intelligence and energy of character.

"I'm glad I done it; for it will make a man of Lisha; and, if I've sent him to his death, God knows he'll be fitter to die than if he stayed here idlin' his life away." Then the good soul openly shouldered the burden she had borne so long in secret, and bravely trudged on alone. "Another great battle!" screamed the excited news-boys in the streets.

I never looked upon any bank with so much pleasure, as I did upon this simple one of the news-boys. It was teaching them a lesson of economy and forethought, which I trust they will never forget.

The news-boys found it was so much better for them to put their money in the bank, than to spend it in gaming, or for cigars, or in other useless ways, that they voted to close it again, not to be opened till December. During the month of November, nineteen boys saved sixty-three dollars and forty-seven cents. One of them had put in thirteen dollars.

"Do you know any gentlemen in frock coats who wish to be asked?" "Plenty but I'm not asking any invitations for them this time. No it's a bunch of the Reverend Donald Ferry's friends I want to invite." "The Reverend how odd that sounds! Who are they?" "News-boys, boot-blacks, office-boys, messenger boys every kind of boy.

"Had he been invited to the ball?" laughed Palliser. "I did not gather that," replied Mr. Palford gravely. "He had apparently watched the arriving guests from some railings near by or perhaps it was a lamp-post with other news-boys." "He recognized the likeness to Strangeways, no doubt, and it gave him what he calls a 'jolt," said Captain Palliser.

Cass's parlor were plastered with "hand-painted" pictures, "buckeye" pictures, of birch-trees, news-boys, puppies, and church-steeples on Christmas Eve; with a plaque depicting the Exposition Building in Minneapolis, burnt-wood portraits of Indian chiefs of no tribe in particular, a pansy-decked poetic motto, a Yard of Roses, and the banners of the educational institutions attended by the Casses' two sons Chicopee Falls Business College and McGillicuddy University.

And each, with half a million dollars in his hand, hurried to the ferry, assailed by porters, news-boys, hackmen. To them we were a couple of commuters saving a dime by carrying our own hand-bags. It was now six o'clock, and I pointed out to Edgar that at that hour the only vaults open were those of the Night and Day Bank. And to that institution in a taxicab we at once made our way.