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"And did you know?" asked John Massingbird, applying a light to his pipe. "Not in the least. It left the affair more obscure, if possible, than it had been before. I suppose I never shall know now." "Never's a long day," cried John Massingbird. "But you told me about this glove affair before." "Did I? Oh, I remember. When you first returned. That is all the explanation I have ever had."

Well, sir, I waited, thinking the time was very long, and hearing no sound, yet still I could see the ship hove to, and you may be sure I did not take my eyes from off her; when at last I heard your voice give the order to wear ship again. Then thinks I to myself, now or never's the time to sing out. And, raising myself as high as I could out of the water, I sang out at the top of my voice.

The women listened and flung in "Well, I never's," and "Who'd 'ave thought it's" from time to time and thawed into ordinary human beings under Sam's convivial example. In the end Sam offered sincere if oddly-expressed congratulations, and disappeared into the back kitchen to wash his hands.

The cranberries are ripe and the moor was carpeted with them. When we got to Tom Never's we sat on the edge of the bluff, and Mr. Cope told me what he meant about the moor. It has its moods, he said. On a quiet, cloudy morning, it is a Quaker lady. With the fog in, it is a White Spirit.

Just three nights ago she had danced at the Merriweathers' ball, and George had held her hand as she leaned over the balcony. "If you can bring yourself back for a moment, Becky, to present company," her grandfather was saying, "you can tell Mr. Cope whether you will walk with us to-morrow to Tom Never's." "I'd love it." "Really?" Cope asked. "You are sure you won't be too tired?"

They pressed onward and presently came upon a lovely lakelet near the beach, as clear as crystal and with bushes with dark green foliage growing on all sides but that toward the sea. They stopped for a moment to gaze upon it with surprise and admiration, then pushed on again till the top of the high bluff known as Tom Never's Head was reached.

Seems she'd wandered off alone to Tom Never's Head, or somewhere in that neighborhood, and was caught by the darkness and storm, and didn't find her way home till the older folks had begun to think she'd been swept away by the tide, which was coming in, to be sure; but they thought it might have been the backward flow of a big wave that had rushed up a little too quick for her, taking her off her feet and hurrying her into the surf before she could struggle up again."

She was nevertheless constantly in view of the Court; she frequented the Courts of the two Queens, and of Madame: all the people of gallantry saw her both there and at her brother-in-law the Duke of Never's, whose house was open to the whole world; but she had an air which inspired so great respect, and had in it something so distant from gallantry, that the Mareschal de St.

"I suppose the boys will be thirsty," said Mr. Enos Slugby. "There never's nothin' to make a man thirsty ekal to a 'lection," answered Jim, with his huge features grinning. "Well, the fellows work well, and deserve it. Here, you needn't go out of your district, you know, and this will be enough." He handed more money to his companion.

I must have hummed the words aloud, for her voice answered me, at the door. "Never's a long word, isn't it?" I looked up. A neat little figure stood on the threshold between the two rooms, the same neat little figure I had seen constantly during the past eight weeks. But it was not the same face. She had said, lightly, that she was going to "make herself pretty," and she had.